-Immunology CONTENTS: 1.Growth regulation
CARCINOGENESISArno HelmbergThese lecture notes accompany my lectures
on carcinogenesis in the study module "Tumors" at
Let's start by considering a simple, unicellular
organism. Imagine a yeast cell, put into an optimal environment with
lots of nutrients, oxygen and everything else the cell requires. What
is going to happen? The cell will replicate as long as the environment
allows it to do so.
In our example, the division of labor
is obvious. On the one hand, we have cells that do the work (transporting
oxygen and CO2), but can't proliferate: red blood cells.
On the other hand, we have cells that are able to proliferate, but lack
the ability to do specialized work: erythropoietic progenitors. For
other tissues, this division is equally true, though less obvious. Usually,
only a small part of the cells of a tissue are able to proliferate:
stem cells and a few additional generations of cells. In the intestinal
epithelium, stem cells are located at the bottom of crypts; fast-proliferating
transit amplifying cells fill
the wall of the crypt. All proliferation occurs in response to growth
signals. Stem cells divide only occasionally, as rarely as possible.
In mature tissues, they divide asymmetrically. Only one of the daughter
cells remains a stem cell, replacing the original one to maintain the
stem cell pool. The second daughter cell gives rise to a clone of rapidly
proliferating transit amplifying cells. In the bone marrow, the prevailing
pattern of growth factors nudges transit amplifying cells in the direction
of specific colony forming units, which give rise to only one of the
hematopoietic lineages. At this stage, the number of divisions per unit
of time is strongly influenced by growth factors. Erythropoietin, for
example, exerts its effect at this level. Following a phase of clonal
expansion encompassing a limited (10-15) number of generations, cells
shut down their ability to proliferate and enter a phase of terminal
differentiation. From then on, cells only mature into their final state. In summary, the first stem cell-generated
transit amplifying cell gives rise to a relatively short-lived clone
leading to a large number of differentiated worker cells. Mutations
arising in cells of this clone are of little importance, as these cells
have limited proliferative potential and limited survival time. Mature
erythrocytes live for about three months, intestinal epithelial cells
for a few days only. For cancer to develop, a number of
mutations has to accumulate in a cell lineage. This process takes many
generations of cells, and is therefore much more likely to occur in
the stem cell lineage. It is therefore assumed that for most, if not all types of
cancer, the initial events occur at the stem cell level. Interestingly,
in many cases, cancerous tissue maintains the division into (cancer)
stem cells, transit amplifying cells and more or less differentiated
cells. As we will see, certain properties of stem cells make them especially
hard to attack by therapeutic means.
Several safeguards are in place to
minimize accumulation of mutations in stem cells:
Stem cells divide as rarely as possible
to minimize the number of rounds of DNA replication, which is inherently
error-prone. Many stem cells seem to spend most of their lives in a
state called dormancy or quiescence. They are activated only in case
of a requirement for additional cells. This property makes cancer stem cells hard to
eradicate, because dormant cells escape most forms of attack. Conventional chemotherapy, for example, works
best in cells that are actively
proliferating. Still, that is only part of the problem. To the outside, a stem cell is a Cell Without
Qualities: transmembrane proteins or signal transduction pathways related to
any form of differentiation are shut down by epigenetic means. This renders
targeted therapy via monoclonal antibodies or kinase inhibitors noneffective,
Stem cells reside in niches offering
anatomical protection: hematopoietic stem cells are located in bone,
protected from ionizing radiation. Stem cells of the epidermis have
to be protected primarily from UV radiation, so they are tucked away
deeply at the bulge of hair follicles. Stem cells from the intestinal
epithelium sit at the bottom of crypts, as far away as possible from
the noxious contents of the gut and protected by a mucus conveyor belt moving
away from them.
Stem cells express high levels of P-glycoprotein,
a transmembrane protein encoded by the MDR1 (multi-drug resistance)
gene able to pump questionable alkaloids out of the cells. While this
mechanism is highly beneficial in the normal situation, it makes cancer
stem cells particularly hard to attack: many chemotherapeutic agents
do not reach adequate intracellular concentrations.
Some stem cells, like those of the
intestinal epithelium, have a lowered threshold for apoptosis. DNA damage
in an intestinal stem cells causes the cell to enter apoptosis. The
logic seems to be: better to lose a stem cell than to risk replication
of a damaged genome. This causes problems in radiotherapy. If an intestinal
loop is irradiated inadvertently, all of its stem cells are forced into
apoptosis, causing loop necrosis with peritonitis a few days later.
Finally, observations suggest that
in some types of stem cells (not in hematopoietic stem cells), the original DNA single strand may be kept
within the stem cell lineage like a family heirloom. Semiconservative
replication implies that misincorporations preferentially affect the
new strand. If the new strand is systematically handed to the transit
amplifying daughter cell, and the original strand systematically given
to the daughter stem cell, this mechanism helps to minimize mutations
in the stem cell line.
To summarize, in spite of all these mechanisms to protect stem cells from mutations, mutations do in fact also occur in stem cells and may result in cancer stem cells. If we try to treat a cancer patient, we may succeed in killing 99.9% of all tumor cells, but in many cases, some of the cancer stem cells will survive. The tumor may thus regrow from a few cancer stem cells that survived therapy ("relapse".
Cell division is a program involving activation and silencing of multiple
genes Once a cell "decides" to
divide, its inner workings are turned upside down. Many genes active
in G0/G1 have to be silenced, while others need to be switched on, e.
g. those with specialized functions in DNA replication and mitosis. From extracellular signal to changes in gene expression: proto-oncogene
Information reaching the cell in the
form of growth factors needs to be processed at several levels to result
in coordinated changes in gene expression and in a structured cell division.
Proteins involved in these processes are vulnerable to be activated
by mutations. In their activated, oncogenic form, they generate false
proliferation-stimulating signals. In their normal, physiological form
these genes are called proto-oncogenes ("pre-oncogenes").
Typically, encoded proteins function in one of the following capacities: Class I: growth factors Class II: growth factor receptors Class III: signal transductors Class IV: regulators of transcription Class V: components of the machinery controlling
the cell division cycle The essence of proto/oncogene activation: a mutation feigning a growth
signal Let us look at signal processing in
response to an extracellular growth factor. Physiologically, involved
proteins can be switched between "off" and "on"
states, depending on the presence of the growth factor. Specific mutations may "freeze"
these proteins in the "on" state. Switching off the signal
becomes physically impossible. For the cell, this results in the "impression"
that there is a lot of growth factor around. Hence, the cell reacts
in the way it is programmed to: by proliferating. For erythropoietin signal processing,
there is a easy-to-grasp real-world example. The mutation Val617Phe
in JAK2 results in continuous activation of this kinase, feigning continuous
presence of EPO or other growth factors. This mutation is common in
a group of myeloproliferative diseases including Polycythemia
vera. In Polycythemia vera,
overproduction of red blood cells has a blood-thickening effect, greatly
increasing the risk of thrombosis. It is important to note that only a
tiny fraction of mutations in proto-oncogenes have an activating effect.
Usually, the opposite is true: mutations result in proteins that don't
work anymore (loss-of-function). In that case, the only result is that
the respective cell loses its ability to react to a growth factor. For the organisma as a whole, that is
inconsequential, as we have an abundance of other cells we can rely on. Therefore,
loss-of-function mutations in proto-oncogenes are irrelevant for carcinogenesis.
Only the rare gain-of-function mutations are able to transform a proto-oncogene
into an oncogene.
Think of an automobile parallel: most
defects will stop a car from functioning. This is a nuisance, but not
immediately dangerous. Compared with these common problems, activating
defects in cars are rare, but not unheard of, like a jammed accelerator:
this is much more critical. In the 18th century, the London surgeon Percivall Pott recognized the relationship between soot and scrotal carcinoma in chimney sweeps. Today we know that the underlying mechanism is the same one that causes lung and throat cancer in smokers. At the beginning of the 20th
century, a link was recognized between certain substances and cancer.
In one example, men who were engaged in distilling the bicyclic aromatic
substance 2-Naphthylamine later developed cancer of the bladder. Obviously,
this substance somehow caused cancer. Such substances were termed "carcinogens". Many people are afraid of "chemicals",
which they suppose are the most relevant causes of cancer. Yet, this
is a misconception. For example, Aflatoxin B1, one of the most relevant carcinogens, is a purely natural
product. It is produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, which thrives on peanuts, corn, grain or pistachios,
if these foods are stored in warm or humid conditions. In many tropical
and subtropical parts of the world, this is inevitable for lack of better
storage infrastructure. Aflatoxin by itself is not mutagenic. After
its ingestion with food, it is taken up via the gut and reaches the
liver via the portal vein. In hepatocytes, it is oxidized by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system to a highly reactive intermediate, Aflatoxin-epoxide,
which proceeds to bind covalently to nitrogen or oxygen atoms in cellular
macromolecules. A typical acceptor in DNA is the N7-atom of guanine.
The combination forms a bulky complex termed a DNA adduct. We have efficient
repair systems to deal with such adducts, but if the next DNA replication
fork comes first, misincorporation may occur. The DNA-aflatoxin-adduct
is able to form hydrogen bonds not only with the correct cytosine, but
also with adenosine; yet the replication fork seems to get stuck with
a C, while it is able to hobble past an A. Altogether, the adduct favors
misincorporation of an A. Enter the repair system, which removes the
adduct and resynthesizes the strand, placing a T opposite the A. In
summary, the process replaces an original G with a T. Likely, this mechanism
is responsible for the G→T mutation at the third position of codon
249 of the tumor suppressor p53. This mutation is frequently
observed in regions burdened by aflatoxin-contaminated food. It exchanges
Arginine 249 (AGG), which is important for DNA-binding, for a Serine
(AGT), inactivating the tumor suppressor. This process is thought to
contribute to the high frequency of hepatocellular carcinoma observed
in the tropics.
Heating protein-rich food causes numerous
chemical reactions. When cooking meats or fish at high temperatures,
heterocyclic amines (HCAs) such as PhiP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5 b]pyridine)
are formed. PhiP causes mutations much like aflatoxin. Oxidation of
PhiP's exocyclic amino group by a cytochrome P450 oxidase generates
highly reactive N-OH-PhiP, which again reacts with guanine to form a
DNA adduct. In today's society, potential "hidden"
environmental carcinogens are the focus of a lot of anxiety. At the
same time, people voluntarily expose themselves to established carcinogens
all the time: take carcinogens in tobacco smoke or the mutagenic effect
of UV irradiation. Polycyclic aromates like benzo[a]pyrene are part of the "tar" component of cigarettes.
Mainly, these mutagens cause
lung and throat cancer, as they reach their highest concentrations in the epithelia of a smoker's
respiratory tract. The formal mechanism is analogous to that of aflatoxin:
benzo[a]pyrene forms DNA adducts with guanine, leading to misincorporation
of adenosine. In a heavy smoker, mutagenic effects are so pronounced
that there is virtually no need to worry about "hidden" carcinogens from other sources. The same mechanism was responsible for the
scrotal carcinoma observed in chimney sweeps by Percival Pott.
In addition to polycyclic aromates, numerous other carcinogens have
been identified in tobacco smoke: aldehydes, nitrosamines and heavy metals,
even the radionuclide Polonium 210, which is formed by Uranium-Radium
decay (Uranium is a contaminant of phosphate used as fertilizer). Nicotine
in cigarettes is primarily addictive; while mutagenic derivates like
N'-nitrosonornicotine have been identified, their carcinogenic effect
is small compared to the total mutagenic load of tobacco smoke.
Cigarette smoke is the number one avoidable cause of cancer deaths. Worldwide, lung cancer is the type of cancer that kills the largest number of men and the second-largest number of women (after breast cancer). In women in Europe, deaths from breast cancer are presently being surpassed by those from lung cancer. Looking at the development of mortality from the most frequent cancer types over the twentieth century, it becomes immediately clear that lung cancer is for the most part avoidable: before cigarette smoking became popular, lung cancer was a rare disease. Lung cancer mortality followed smoking rates in males and, later, in females with a 20 year lag time. Doesn't air pollution cause lung cancer as well? Unfortunately, it does, especially very small particulate matter: PM10, with a diameter below 10µm and PM2.5, with a diameter below 2.5 µm. These particles are produced by combustion processes in the engines of our cars and by domestic and industrial fuels. Again, they contain polycyclic aromates. We should do everything to reduce them. But it's all about concentrations. Smokers inhale vastly higher concentrations, so that smoking causes vastly higher numbers of lung cancer. Compared to that, cancer risk from air pollution remains a relatively minor problem. Normal exposure to the sun leads to
a large amount of DNA damage in the skin. The energy of UV rays induces covalent bonds between adjacent pyrimidines (resulting
in, e. g., thymine dimers). The intensity of this constant mutagenesis
becomes obvious in patients suffering from Xeroderma
pigmentosum, who cannot repair these DNA lesions. Even with maximum
possible UV protection, patients develop multiple skin cancers, sometimes
even at the tip of the tongue or in the anterior part of the oral cavity!
A certain amount of UV is healthy and required for production of vitamin
D, but most of us absorb a lot more than necessary. It would be smart
to use sunscreen and to limit the amount of direct exposure to the sun.
From this perspective, solariums do not seem like a good idea. Ionizing radiation causes single and double strand breaks in DNA. Everybody is exposed to
a certain amount of ionizing radiation, depending on medical issues,
geological properties of her place of residence and building materials
used in home construction. Occupational issues (medical professions,
frequent intercontinental flying) may increase exposure. Assaying mutagenic potential: the Ames test To test individual substances for mutagenicity,
American scientist Bruce Ames developed an assay to quantify induced
mutations in a bacterial strain. The test strain fails to grow on agar
lacking histidine, due to a defect in a gene necessary to produce this
amino acid. However, a mutation hitting the right spot is able to correct
the defect, allowing to quantify mutation rates by counting revertant
bacterial colonies that are able to grow in the absence of histidine.
By comparing the amount of revertant colonies in the presence and absence
of a test substance, it is possible to estimate relative mutagenicity.
To include metabolites of the test substance, homogenized rat liver
extract, containing a range of cytochrome P450 oxidases, may be added.
Some mutations originate in the absence of exogenous mutagens Mutations are not exclusively caused
by exogenous mutagenic substances or radiation. Every day, DNA in a
normal, healthy cell suffers about 20,000 instances of "spontaneous"
damage which, if not repaired correctly, may lead to secondary mutations.
Double stranded DNA is made to last; it is much more stable than RNA
or proteins. Still, it works in an environment that is chemically quite
reactive. Temperature, oxygen, ion-rich aqueous environment (compare
conditions for the formation of rust!) and a plethora of reactive groups
of surrounding macromolecules result in frequent chemical reactions.
In the following, the most frequent modifications: The combination
of aqueous environment and relatively high temperature leads to the
occasional splitting of a covalent bond by water. As some bonds are
more susceptible to hydrolysis than others, two main forms of damage
are observed: Depurination: by hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond between
purine and deoxyribose, the DNA of every human cell loses about 5000
purine bases every day. The result is an abasic
site. If the next DNA replication is faster than repair, the abasic
site functions as a wild card, allowing any base to be incorporated
in the opposite strand. Deamination: If cytosine loses its amino group by hydrolysis,
what remains is uracil. This happens about 100 times per day in each
cell. While cytosine pairs with guanine, uracil pairs with adenine.
As uracil has no place in DNA, it is very efficiently eliminated by
a specialized enzyme, uracil DNA glycosylase, followed by resynthesis
of the strand. Only if this repair system, a form of base excision repair,
is defective, deamination of cytosine results in a G→A point mutation
at the opposite strand. Oxidation Methylation Replication errors Replication errors include misincorporations,
but also incorporation of too many (insertions) or omission (deletions)
of nucleotides, producing small loops. Insertions or deletions are even
more critical than simple misincorporations, as most of them imply reading
frame shifts. With the large number of nucleotides polymerized in each
DNA replication, even a low rate of error results in many incorrect
nucleotides. Mismatched, that is, incorrect, additional or missing nucleotides
cannot form correct hydrogen bonds with their counterparts, locally
disturbing the geometry of the DNA double helix. This discontinuity
in structure is easily recognized
by the cell via molecular means; it is much harder to decide which of the two strands
to correct. Mismatch repair systems of diverse organisms have the ability
to make an educated guess on which of the two strands is old (this one
is usually the correct one) and which one has been newly synthesized
(usually containing the replication error). While the human system works differently, in
E. coli, the system
detects methylation to identify the old strand.
The mismatch repair system was originally
characterized in its simpler bacterial form. In E. coli, the core of the system consists of three proteins named mutS, mutL and mutH (as its genome
is hyper-mutable with a defect
in one of these genes). MutS
recognizes the discontinuity in DNA geometry: after binding to this
spot, a mutS dimer scans the DNA in both directions
in an energy-dependent process, looping out the surveyed intermediate.
As soon as a methylated base is encountered, the complex is completed by additional
mutL and mutH dimers. MutH is an
endonuclease, cutting the strand opposite the methylated base. This
solves the strand recognition problem: the cut marks the "new"
strand in the vicinity of the mismatch. With the help of additional
proteins, the stretch of DNA between cut and mismatch is removed and
The human mismatch repair system uses
the same type of components. It is, however, more complex, in that it
employs several homologs for mutS
and mutL, while no correlate
has been identified for endonuclease mutH.
Human mutS homologs are termed
MSH2-MSH6 (MSH1 has been described in yeast only). Four identified mutL homologs are designated MLH‑1,
MLH‑3, PMS‑1 and PMS‑2 (PMS stands for post-meiotic
segregation, as the MMR system has additional functions in meiotic crossing
over). While the bacterial system works with homodimers, the human system
uses heterodimers. A typical complex used to correct misincorporations
consists of MSH2/MSH6 with MLH1/PMS1. Single base insertions or deletions are corrected by
different complexes. The human mechanism for strand identification does not use
methylation as a cue. Its exact mechanism remains to be elucidated, although it
seems to rely on nicks within the newly synthesized strand such as those between
Okazaki fragments.
The molecular machinery responsible
for DNA replication and proofreading works with stunning precision
yet cannot be perfect. After all checks and corrections, what remains
is an error rate of about 10‑6 mutations per cell division
and gene. While this sounds very small, we subject our genes to a lot
of cell divisions over our lifetime: approximately 1016.
Cumulatively, in all of our cells over our entire lifetime, this adds
up to 1010 mutations in each of our genes. The vast majority of these mutations happen in
cells that die soon afterwards. Problematic are mutations occurring in the stem
cell line.
Our cells operate in a constant drizzle of mutations In their entirety, repair mechanisms
remove the vast majority of all instances of DNA damage or replication
errors, preventing the fixation of mutations. In summary, while our
cells are inundated with DNA damage due to exogenous and "endogenous"
causes, cellular safeguards reduce that to a drizzle of mutations. As
most of these occur in different cells, this is no problem unless we
connect too many divisions in series. Hence, a limit on the number of
divisions a somatic cell can undergo is essential to prevent accumulation
of too many mutations in a single cell. One way to implement such a
limit is telomere shortening (explained in section 4). In its development
from stem cell to terminally differentiated cell, a typical somatic
cell undergoes only 10 to 15 divisions.
In principle, environmental carcinogens
can be avoided, while "endogenous" causes of mutation like
hydrolysis, oxidation, replication errors etc. are unavoidable. So,
what is the relative contribution of environmental carcinogens, and
is it possible to avoid them? The first question cannot be answered
precisely, and many different estimates have been published. One middle
of the road-group of epidemiologists concludes (Trichopoulos et al.,
Scientific American 275 (Sept.): 50-57, 1996) that only a quarter of
all malignant neoplasms is attributable to "endogenous" causes,
while 75% is due to environmental factors. The bulk of these 75% can
be attributed to smoking (30%) and unhealthy eating habits (30%). Although this study is quite
"old," nothing significant has changed since. The
premier effect of smoking becomes immediately obvious when looking at
the development of death rates from cancer from the thirties until today.
The tremendous increase in the death rate by lung cancer, first in men,
then, with a delay of 30 years, in women, mirrors the development of
smoking habits during the last century.
For most malignant tumors, incidence
increases with age. Plotting, e. g., incidence of colorectal carcinoma
against age yields a typical, exponentially increasing function. This
type of function may be explained as the result of several unrelated,
rare events coinciding in a single cell. From that specific function,
it is possible to calculate that colorectal carcinoma is the product
of six unrelated events. Such an "event" may be either activation
of a proto-oncogene or the loss of a tumor suppressor. Coincidence of
six such events in a single cell is extremely unlikely at the beginning
of life, but its probability increases continuously with age due to
accumulation of mutations, especially in stem cell lineages. The basis
for this complex requirement can be found in the layers of checks and
control mechanisms governing proliferation and behavior of cells, each
of which has to be altered separately by genetic or epigenetic changes. There are exceptions to this rule.
We will soon take a look at one of these exceptions, retinoblastoma,
a tumor of the retina, which develops almost exclusively in infants. Some of the
mentioned control mechanisms apparently do not apply in retinal cells. The loss
of the tumor suppressor Rb in the presence of growth signals associated with
the growth of the eyeball is sufficient to cause this malignant tumor.
The multi step model: mutation and selection The model currently guiding our thinking
about carcinogenesis was developed by Vogelstein and Kinzler based on
observations in colorectal carcinoma. It views carcinogenesis as a multi-year
process of "microevolution" based on steps of mutation and
selection. In the development of colorectal carcinoma, the first event
may inactivate the tumor suppressor APC (adenomatous
polyposis coli) in a stem cell in a colonic crypt. The phenotype
of this cell changes only minimally. The cell may divide somewhat more
frequently, and there may be a problem with asymmetric stem cell division,
potentially increasing the number of stem cells in the crypt (see section
12 on colorectal carcinoma for more details). Over time, maybe two years,
a nest of APC-less cells with stem cell properties develops. They might
even crowd other stem cells out of their cryptal stem cell niche. As
we have seen before, mutations occur in proliferating tissue with a
certain frequency, due to environmental and to "endogenous"
causes. The higher the number of APC-less stem cells exposed to this constant drizzle of mutations, the higher the probability that
an additional mutation hits one of these cells. This second mutational
event might be the activation of Ras by a point mutation. The resulting
cell has an additional selective advantage and starts to form an "island"
of offspring within the continuous epithelium. A further 18 months later,
a third hit may occur in one of these cells, e. g., inactivation of
the tumor suppressor p53. An island of daughter cells with three problems
grows within the previous island of two-problem cells. The mass of cells,
too big to remain within the epithelial plane, starts to form an adenoma
growing into the lumen of the colon. Two years later, a fourth mutation
occurs in one of the adenoma cells. And so forth, and so on…
Each mutational event increases the
selective advantage of the respective cell clone, and releases inhibitions
to show "bad manners". After maybe ten years, a sixth independent
mutational or epigenetic event generates the first malignant cell. "Tumor-evolution" does not
stop at this point. During further developments, the tumor keeps accumulating
additional mutations. This may influence its tendency to metastasize,
the route of metastasis, or the tumor's response to therapy. The tumor
thus splits up into genetically diverse subclones which may show different
biological properties.
Cancer patients with the same type of malignancy, grading
and staging are known to show vast differences in their course of disease.
While one patient with colon cancer reacts well to therapy, living free
of complaints for many years, another one with a tumor of identical staging and grading quickly suffers a relapse, passing
away shortly after. At first glance this looks incomprehensible. Yet,
as discussed above, the biological properties of the neoplasms are determined
by specific mutations, and the tumors of the two patients are caused
by different sets of mutations.
In some instances, the presence of
mutations in certain genes helps to predict whether specific therapeutics
(e.g., monoclonal antibodies against the EGF receptor) are likely to
help the patient. One of the present developments in cancer therapy
is to diagnose causative mutations in individual tumors, and to use
this information to apply rational, "custom-made" therapy
to the patient (personalized medicine).
Not all carcinogens are mutagens. This
became clear in early experiments where two types of cancer-promoting
agents were identified, tumor initiators and tumor promoters. After
treating the skin of a mouse first with a substance from the tumor initiator
family, and then with one from the tumor promoter family, the mouse
developed a carcinoma. In reverse –first promoter, then initiator— nothing
happened. Tumor initiators, it was found, are
mutagens. Tumor promoters, in contrast, drive proliferation without
causing mutations themselves. Applying only a tumor promoter, even repeatedly,
does not cause progression to malignancy. Only if cells are first seeded
with mutations by a tumor initiator, the tumor promoter exerts its negative
effect by multiplying these damaged cells, their mutations included.
This increases the probability that additional mutations will hit cells
that already carry genetic defects. In summary, tumor promotors increase
the number of cells with pre-existing mutations without being mutagenic
themselves. Examples for tumor promoters are estrogens
with respect to mammary carcinoma, androgens for prostate cancer. The
proliferative stimulus by a chronic ulcer may have a tumor promoter
effect in the development of gastric cancer, and regenerative proliferation
in chronic viral hepatitis may promote development of hepatocellular
carcinoma. 3.
1. Regulation of the cell division cycle Cell division means that the cell is doubled, including its instruction manual, the DNA. For bacteria, this is a simple and straightforward matter. The doubling of the DNA goes hand in hand with actual cell division. In the circularly closed genome, two replication forks start from the origin of replication until they meet again on the other side. Every daughter cell gets a copy. Task solved cleanly. In the course of evolution, however, the
genome grew larger and larger. In eukaryotes, it eventually became so big that
it could no longer be replicated using this simple system. More origins of
replication were required and the genome was broken up into several, more
manageable pieces, the chromosomes. This, however, created new problems:
If a free
double-strand end occurred in the bacterial genome, the matter was clear: this
must be an accident, a DNA double-strand break that has to be reassembled. But
in the new system, the situation is ambiguous: is this now a double strand
break in need of repair or is it a permitted chromosome end?
How can you
ensure that each piece is doubled, but only once, in a fragmented genome?
How can you ensure that each daughter cell
receives one, and only one, copy of each of the numerous parts of the genome?
The solution to these problems required considerable change. The doubling of DNA was temporally separated from cell division and brought forward in time. Numerous origins of replication were introduced on each chromosome. New "managers" and organizational systems were introduced such as CDK/cyclin complexes and the spindle apparatus. Phases of the cell division
In bacteria, replication of the circular
genome, starting from a single origin of replication, and cell division
happen at the same time, avoiding a lot of problems. But during evolution,
genomes increased in size, eventually becoming too big to be handled
in the form of a singular, circular macromolecule (E. coli genome: 4 million base pairs, human genome: 3 billion base
pairs). So the DNA was chopped into segments. DNA replication had to
be started simultaneously from multiple origins and had to be moved
ahead of mitosis. A bunch of new tools and control mechanisms had to
be introduced to make sure that each piece of DNA gets copied, but only
once, and that each daughter cell later is assigned exactly one copy
of each segment of replicated DNA. Consequently, the phases of the eukaryotic cell division cycle are: "G1" is only used for actively
proliferating cells. As an alternative, G0 denotes a prolonged
resting state ("quiescence"). Cells in G0 are idle,
ready to reenter the cell cycle in case growth signals come in. In the
meantime, they reduce their metabolic rate, as there is "nothing
to do right now anyway". Once all requirements for the next
step in the cell division cycle are met, a "master switch"
in the form of a cyclin-CDK complex is activated. The simplest form of the control system
directing all those steps in eukaryotes can be found in bakers' yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This organism
has a single master switch, a kinase, which is always present. Yet,
it remains inactive unless a second protein, termed cyclin, is expressed,
which binds to it. The kinase was named according to this mechanism:
cyclin-dependent kinase or CDK. The CDK can be activated by different
cyclins at different points in time. A G1/S cyclin is expressed for
the general decision to activate the division process. An S-cyclin is
necessary to actually start DNA replication. A mitotic cyclin is expressed
to induce mitosis proper. The cyclin-CDK complex is active as long one
of these cyclins is present. Once the respective cell cycle step is
completed, the cyclin is quickly broken down by controlled proteolysis,
which inactivates the CDK. Individual cyclin-CDK complexes differ in
substrate specificity. Phosphorylated target proteins translate the
master switch's decision into action. The human cell cycle control system
functions along the same lines. While the system in yeast uses a single
CDK, several related CDKs share the work in humans. The following cyclin-CDK
complexes are important for cell cycle progression (other cyclin-CDK complexes drifted away
during evolution and have taken on other tasks; CDKs are denoted
by numbers, cyclins by letters):
G1 phase: cyclinD-CDK4
–phosphorylates pRb
Information feeds into the CDK master switches on at least three levels:
cyclin presence/absence
activating and inhibiting
protein regulators
binding to the complex or to CDK alone Examples for protein regulators are
p21Cip1, p27Kip1 or p16INK4A. A CDK is thus an integrator of signals
that is active only after a set of independent conditions are met. If
that is not yet the case, these master switches are able to arrest the
cell cycle at so-called checkpoints. Factors like cell mass, nutritional
supply or cell energy levels feed into the control system, but of special
importance is the integrity of the genome: potential DNA damage and
the attachment of all DNA segments (chromatids) at the mitotic spindle.
The following checkpoints have been defined:
G1 DNA damage checkpoint (arrest in case of DNA damage)
DNA replication checkpoint (arrest in case of stuck replication
G2/M DNA damage checkpoint (arrest in case of DNA damage following
Spindle checkpoint (arrest until all chromatids are attached
and under tension) Cell cycle arrest in these situations
prevents problems from spiraling out of control, like replication of
damaged DNA, distribution of incompletely replicated DNA or misallocation
of chromatids (aneuploidy). Cell cycle arrest creates a time window
to correct the underlying problem: damage can be repaired, replication
can be completed, the last chromatids can be correctly attached. In
case a problem cannot be overcome within a reasonable time frame, the
checkpoint mechanism usually induces apoptosis. This protects the organism
from the danger of cells harboring defective versions of the genome. To implement a checkpoint, an array
of proteins is required. If these proteins are affected by mutations
themselves, the cell cycle cannot be arrested in response to a problem.
Ongoing DNA replication or mitosis in the face of such problems leads
to further mutations or aneuploidy. We will take a closer look at the G1
DNA damage checkpoint in the section on p53. 3.
2. Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) We only deal with a single one of
the many proteins that are phosphorylated by the various cyclin-CDK complexes. The protein pRb, named for the retinal
tumor retinoblastoma, is the central substrate of cyclin-CDK complexes
active in G1. As long as it is not phosphorylated, pRb masks and inactivates
transcription factor E2F at the promoters of its target genes (there
are several types of E2F, which heterodimerize with dimerization partner
DP). The more growth signals come in, the more steps are completed to
activate CDK4 and CDK6: cyclin D is expressed, along with small amounts
of cyclin E. Phosphorylation of CDKs and protein regulators are adjusted.
Cyclin D-CDK4 and ‑6 phosphorylate pRb at several sites. After
a finishing touch via phosphorylation by cyclin E-CDK2, pRb undergoes
dramatic conformational change, falling off E2F. E2F is now free to
activate its target genes:
E2F, its own gene,
for a positive feedback amplification loop
cyclin E (enhancing
positive feedback)
CDK2 (enhancing positive
c-Myc, c-Myb (transcription
factors inducing additional groups of genes)
cyclin A (cyclin A-CDK2
is necessary to fire origins of replication)
DNA polymerase α
PCNA (sliding ring
tethering DNA polymerase to DNA)
thymidylate synthase,
thymidine kinase (for thymidine synthesis)
dihydrofolate reductase
(for de novo synthesis of
purines and thymidine)
CDK1 (required for
subsequent mitosis)
APAF1 (for emergency
exit via apoptosis in case of problems)
caspase 3 (for emergency
exit via apoptosis in case of problems)
p14ARF (sensor for
non-physiological cell cycle activation, see section on p53!) Proteins encoded by these target genes
have functions essential for S or M phases, e. g., de novo synthesis of deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) required
for DNA replication. In summary, phosphorylation of pRb by G1 cyclin-CDK
complexes results in activation of all the preparatory steps required
for cell division. At the same time, factors required for apoptosis
are supplied as inactive precursors, allowing the cell to take that
path in case it runs into serious problems. This has to be done before
chromosomes start to condense, as gene expression is shut down during
pRb is the poster child of a tumor
suppressor. In the default situation, it masks and inhibits E2F, thereby
arresting cells in G1. Thus, pRb acts as a parking brake for all cells.
Growth signals act to release this brake via expression of cyclins D
and E, enabling CDKs to change pRb conformation by phosphorylation.
Many tumor suppressors may be understood as brakes acting on the cell
Rb gene mutations frequently cause a loss of braking function Physiologically, the pRb brake can
be released only by growth signals. What if the Rb gene is affected
by mutations? Deletions, premature stop codons, reading frame shifts
and many point mutations interfere with the ability of pRb to mask E2F.
In all these cases, mutations remove the parking brake, again feigning
the presence of a growth signal. Typically, tumor suppressors are dual-circuit brake systems: the real problem arises once both of the two alleles fail Defects typically result in something
NOT functioning. Applying this truism to mutations, this means that
the large majority of them are loss-of-function mutations. An affected
allele is inactivated. However, the human diploid genome contains two
copies for each gene, and the braking function of pRb derived from the
second allele is still sufficient to keep the cell in G1. In other words,
loss of Rb is recessive. Only after the second allele is inactivated,
the cell enters the division cycle.
This principle was first recognized
by Alfred G. Knudson, who observed children with retinoblastoma, a tumor
of the retina. Retinoblastoma is unusual in several respects: it affects
almost exclusively infants; it frequently affects both eyes, and it
is sometimes hereditary. Retrospectively analyzing case histories of
children with retinoblastoma, Knudson identified two groups: the first
group had more than one primary tumor (three independent
tumors, on average, usually affecting both eyes), was younger
at diagnosis (14 months), frequently developed secondary tumors later
in life (e. g., osteosarcoma) and in this group, retinoblastoma was
occasionally familial. The second group had a single primary tumor in
one of the eyes and was older at diagnosis (30 months) with no indication
of secondary tumors or hereditary factors. Knudson interpreted these
data as follows: the first group, he reasoned, started their lives with
a defective, at that time hypothetical, "Retinoblastoma" allele. All somatic
cells of the developing child harbor the defective copy. Over time,
in the constant "drizzle of mutations", some cells lose the
second allele, originating a primary retinoblastoma tumor. On average,
this happens three times per child. Why just in the retina? Some of
the checks and controls implemented in human cells do not seem to apply
in retinal cells. For the development of this malignant tumor, loss
of the tumor suppressor pRb in
the environment of an infant's growing eye ball seems to be sufficient.
What about other tissues? Obviously, safeguards are better there, requiring
mutations in additional loci. This explains the time lag until secondary
tumors are seen. Why are parents usually unaffected? In most cases,
the first hit seems to occur in parents' germ cells; the parents themselves
are healthy. In the second group of children, retinoblastoma is due
to two sequential independent mutation events in the same line of retinal
cells. This takes more time, so that the children are older. Once the
retinoblastoma has been removed, there is no increased risk for other
tumors. In both groups, the two alles of the Rb gene had to be inactivated
by two independent hits. By his "two-hit-hypothesis", Knudson
defined the concept of a tumor suppressor: a gene that contributes to
tumor formation by inactivation of both of its alleles.
In this regard, the braking systems
of our cells resemble those of our cars. Hitting the brake pedal leads
to compression of brake fluid in the master brake cylinder. Via a hydraulic
system, the pressure is transmitted to the individual wheel brake cylinders,
where by moving the piston, brake pads are pressed against the brake
disk. Yet, hydraulic systems are prone to leaks: fluid escapes, air
enters the system. With easily compressible air in the system, the brake
pedal goes to the floor, and pressure is not transmitted to the wheels
any more. In the days of single circuit braking systems, this caused
many accidents. So, the automotive industry developed dual-circuit braking
systems, with two independent hydraulic systems. If one of them leaks,
it is still possible to brake via the second. Tumor suppressor genes are sometimes
called antioncogenes. A third term is "recessive oncogenes",
as the phenotype is only observed after both alleles have been lost.
Many antioncogenes have been identified by a phenomenon termed loss
of heterozygosity. After a first "hit" inactivating the
first allele, the cell is heterozygous for the respective locus. In
children with hereditary retinoblastoma, all somatic cells are heterozygous.
What is frequently observed in tumors, is that the second, normal allele
has disappeared. There are several ways for that to happen: a large
deletion eliminating the second allele altogether; gene conversion ("repair"
of the normal allele using the defective allele as template); somatic
uniparental disomy (loss of the normal chromosome compensated by a doubling
of the defective one). Usual diagnostic procedures, e. g., PCR followed
by sequencing, cannot differentiate between these possibilities: they
"see" one defective type of locus, be that a single allele,
or two identical defective alleles. This is the technical explanation
for the somewhat strange term "loss of heterozygosity". Epigenetic inactivation of tumor suppressors Any one cell expresses only a small
slice of the human genome's 23,000 protein-encoding genes. In any tissue,
the majority of genes are silenced permanently by epigenetic changes
resulting in heterochromatin formation. The process starts by CpG methylation,
the methylation of atom C5 in those cytosines that are followed by guanines
(with an equivalent configuration at the opposite strand). This is followed
by histone deacetylation and tight packaging of the respective locus
with additional specialized chromatin proteins. Sometimes, this process
goes awry, shutting down genes that should have remained active. If
that happens to an antioncogene, the result is functionally equivalent
to a loss by deletion. The factors determining erroneous shutdown are
insufficiently understood, but specific tumor suppressors are known
to be affected frequently. These include cyclin-CDK regulators p27 Kip1,
p16 INK4a and p15 INK4b (see below), breast cancer tumor suppressor
BRCA1 and mismatch repair system component MLH1. The epigenetically
inactivated tumor suppressor is passed on to successive cell generations
like an inheritable trait. While the locus has to be opened for DNA
replication, DNA maintenance methylase quickly methylates the newly
synthesized strand, renewing the gene's inactivated state. Tumor suppressors functionally related to pRb: inhibitors of cyclin-CDK
complexes (CKIs) As cyclin-CDK complexes are required
for cell cycle progression, inhibitors of these complexes act as brakes
on the cell cycle. There are two distinct groups: 1. Group: Members bind to cyclin-CDK complexes.
They help assemble cyclin D-CDK4/6 complexes, but inhibit them, probably
depending on the phosphorylation state of the inhibitor; complexes containing
CDK2 or CDK1 are inhibited: -p21 CIP1/WAF1 -p27 Kip1 -p57 Kip2 2. Group: Members bind to CDK4 and CDK6 alone,
preventing their interaction with cyclin D: -p16 INK4a -p15 INK4b -p18 INK4c -p19 INK4d 3. 3. Central
tumor suppressor p53 Its central position in carcinogenesis
derives from the fact that p53 seems to be the single most frequently
mutated gene in human tumors. P53 knockout mice are born healthy, at
normal Mendelian frequency. Thus, p53 is not required for development
of a normal mouse. However, these mice later develop malignant tumors
at a relatively young age. One might compare p53 to the fire department:
if we abolish it today, that does not necessarily imply immediate catastrophe.
Yet, we can be virtually assured of a disaster sometime in the future.
P53 is a transcription factor enabling the cell to respond to specific
damaging conditions with the goal to minimize negative outcome.
P53 has three domains: a N-terminal
degradation/activation domain, a central DNA binding domain and a C-terminal
tetramerization domain. P53 is expressed in virtually all cells. As
long as the cells do not encounter any problem, p53 is degraded promptly
via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. As a consequence, healthy cells
contain hardly any p53. In the ubiquitin system, three enzymes
cooperate: E1, E2 and E3. E1 is ubiquitin-activating enzyme: in an energy-dependent
process, it binds the small, ubiquitously expressed protein ubiquitin
to an –SH group. It then hands the activated ubiquitin to one of several
ubiquitin conjugating enzymes, termed E2. E2 in turn attaches to one
of many E3 proteins. Usually, E3 proteins are called ubiquitin ligases,
which is not entirely correct, as they don't have any enzyme activity
themselves. Only the complex of E2 plus E3 enables transfer of ubiquitin
to the substrate; E2 does the transfer; E3 does the binding to a regulable
degradation domain of the substrate. In the case of p53, this is the
N-terminal domain. The main E3 protein in charge of p53
is Mdm2 (mouse double minute 2,
a historical designation frequently substituted by Hdm2 –Human double minute- on the grounds that humans cannot have a mouse
gene). As long as it not phosphorylated, the N-terminal degradation/activation
domain of p53 binds efficiently to Mdm2, which, together with its E2
partner, ubiquitinates p53 several times over. Polyubiquitination is
the signal required for proteasomal degradation. If the N-terminal domain
of p53 is phosphorylated, binding to Mdm2 is impaired, resulting in
much slower degradation. Point mutations frequently found in human carcinomas predominantly affect a select few codons of the DNA binding domain, most of them arginines (e. g., Arg248, Arg249, Arg273). These amino acids seem to be of special importance for the function of p53, or, in other words, substitution of these amino acids particularly favors carcinogenesis. By X-ray structure analysis, these amino acids
were found to either make direct contact with DNA (Arg248, Arg273), or to have stabilizing
functions in the immediate vicinity of the p53-DNA interface (Arg249, Arg282). Substitution
of these amino acids interferes with DNA binding, preventing or impairing
the function of p53 as a transcription factor.
Defined conditions of cellular stress
cause activation of p53, including DNA damage, hypoxia and non-physiological
forms of cell cycle activation. The textbook example is a DNA double
strand break. The break induces chromatin changes in its vicinity. Histone
H2A is replaced by H2AX in nearby nucleosomes, and heterodimers of proteins
termed "Ku" mark the ends of DNA strands. These changes recruit
several protein kinases, including DNA-dependent protein kinase, ATM
and the checkpoint kinase Chk2, which proceed to phosphorylate p53,
H2AX and a range of additional proteins. [ATM stands for Ataxia Teleangiectasia
Mutated. A defect in the gene encoding this kinase causes a syndrome
combining extreme sensitivity to radiation with a predisposition for
lymphoid malignancies as well as cellular and humoral immunodeficiency] Phosphorylation of p53 has two effects:
Less efficient binding
to its E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2. As this results in reduced degradation
(or increased half-life), cellular p53 levels rise strongly.
A switch of the N-terminal
degradation domain into a transactivation domain. The negatively charged
phosphates facilitate recruitment of RNA polymerase. Here, we consider only a few out of
a large number of p53-induced genes:
Mdm2: At first glance,
it looks strange that p53 induces its own E3 ubiquitin ligase. Yet,
keep in mind that the goal of p53 is to overcome a problem. Once that's
been achieved, accumulated p53 has to be eliminated. Viewed from this
perspective, it is useful to supply considerable amounts of Mdm2 in
advance. As long as p53 is phosphorylated, ubiquitination by Mdm2 will
remain inefficient, anyway.
p21 CIP1/WAF1: inhibitor
of cyclin D-Cdk4 and cyclin E-CDK2, causing cell cycle arrest in the
G1 phase
14-3-3σ as a tool
to mediate G2 arrest
several genes involved
in DNA repair
Bax and related apoptosis-promoting
genes of the Bcl2 family, like PUMA and Noxa
Let's continue with our example of
a DNA double strand break: a single break in a cell is sufficient to
activate p53. Phosphorylated p53 activates its target gene p21, which
in turn inhibits the cyclin-CDK complexes required to phosphorylate
pRb. Transcription factor E2F remains masked, arresting the cell in
G1. This gives the cell an opportunity to repair its DNA, preventing
the propagation of incomplete chromosomes. However, the problem that caused p53 activation cannot always be solved. A p53-induced G1 arrest dragging on for weeks or longer is called senescence. Under certain circumstances, senescent cells are eliminated by macrophages.
In summary, p53 is a crucial tool of
the G1 DNA damage checkpoint. This mechanism works well as long as p21
and pRb are functional. What if one of these tumor suppressors gets
inactivated? Let's consider this second type of
emergency, assuming the loss of both Rb alleles by mutations. In the
absence of pRb, E2F is constitutively active. Obviously, E2F is activated
with each cell division, but this physiological activation is only temporary.
In the absence of pRb, in contrast, E2F remains active indefinitely,
forcing its transcriptional targets, including p14ARF, higher and higher.
P14ARF binds and inactivates Mdm2, the E3 ubiquitin ligase for p53.
Without Mdm2, intracellular levels of p53 increase progressively, activating
p53 target genes. In this case, induction of p21 remains without effect
(inhibition of cyclin-CDK complexes is useless in the absence of pRb),
but apoptosis-promoting target genes Bax, PUMA, Noxa are expressed more
and more, finally pushing the cell over the cliff. From the organism's
perspective, this is a good solution. The single apoptotic cell is easily
replaced. In return, this eliminates the risk that a cell with defective
cell cycle control develops into a malignant neoplasm. The name p14ARF stands for alternative reading frame. It is encoded
by an odd gene on chromosome 9: in this small gene, the main exon 2
is translated in two different reading frames, giving rise to two entirely
different proteins. One of these proteins is p16 INK4A, the other
p14ARF. Both of them are crucial tumor suppressors. If the common exon
is affected by a deletion or mutation, the cell loses two tumor suppressors
by a single event. The locus on 9p21 is thus sort of an Achilles' heel.
In many tumors, it is in fact mutated.
Individual mutations of p53 differ with respect to their biological consequences and may affect at least four aspects to varying degrees: mutations may impair DNA binding, impair proper protein folding, cause mislocalization in the cytoplasm and interfere with tetramer function. As mentioned before, frequent point
mutations near the surface of the p53 molecule cause the protein to
lose its DNA binding activity. Some specific, less frequent substitutions
within the dense core of the DNA binding domain have an additional effect:
they cause the DNA binding domain to "pop" (like corn to popcorn)
by massive conformational change. Frequently, this has two consequences:
an increase in half-life of the now difficult-to-degrade protein, as
well as mislocalization in the cytoplasm (probably, nuclear localization
signals are buried in the protein blob). The tetramerization domain remains unaffected by mutations of the DNA binding domain. Mutated p53 monomers, even the products of "popping" alleles, continue to participate in forming tetramers. Tetramers are assembled in all permutations from both mutated and wild-type monomers, the latter stemming from the remaining normal allele. Exacerbating the problem is the fact that popped versions frequently have a longer half-life. How many mutant subunits a tetramer can tolerate depends on individual mutations. For many mutations, especially the popping type, already a single mutant subunit is enough to inactivate the tetramer. The only tetramers that work, those made up of four healthy subunits, become exceedingly rare (one sixteenth of all tetramers if mutant and wild-type have the same stability and even less if the mutant is degraded more slowly). For some mutations affecting only the DNA binding interface, like the frequent R273H mutation, this effect is less severe. Thus, many, but not all mutations
inactivate most of the p53 in that cell. This makes p53 an exception.
While mutations in tumor suppressors are typically recessive, many mutations
in p53 cause the mutated allele to dominate over the remaining normal
allele. We call that a dominant
negative effect.
Chromosomal instability (CIN) If a cell's p53 has been lost, double
strand breaks have deleterious consequences. Deprived of the ability
to arrest in G1, the cell enters S phase without repairing the break immediately.
The broken chromatid is replicated in parts. The peripheral chromatid
fragment, the one not attached to a centromer, is likely to be lost
during the next mitosis. Following replication, "illegal"
DNA ends ("legal" ends are indicated by telomers) are "repaired"
by end-to-end ligation of sister chromatids. This "solution"
to the problem is an illusion: in the following mitosis, a tug-of-war
begins with three possible outcomes: 1) daughter A wins both fused chromatids,
daughter B gets nothing 2) daughter B wins both chromatids or 3) the
DNA breaks once again. In the latter case, the entire process, termed
breakage-fusion-bridge cycle, starts anew. From one cell generation
to the next, genetic imbalances accumulate, over time severely mutilating
the genome with massive aneuploidy and scrambled chromosomes, a phenomenon we call chromosomal instability. In summary,
p53 is the "guardian of the genome's integrity". Once it is
lost, the cell's genome deteriorates quickly.
If a mutated p53 allele is passed on
in a family, members will develop tumors at an early age. A typical
constellation: a young person suffering from sarcoma, e. g., osteosarcoma,
with two direct relatives who also developed tumors at an early age,
e. g., carcinoma of the adrenal cortex, mammary carcinoma or a brain
P53 is of particular importance in
tumor therapy. Many therapeutic options, e. g., radiation or components
of chemotherapy, work by causing DNA damage. These measures seem to
be much more efficient if the treated tumor's p53 is still functional.
Massive DNA damage causes p53 to induce apoptosis in these cells. Malignancies
that tend to have intact p53, like seminoma, Wilms' tumor or ALL in
children, generally respond to therapy much better.
Several DNA viruses independently developed
proteins to inactivate the two central tumor suppressors pRb and p53: virus
pRb p53 adenovirus E1A E1B-p55 human papilloma virus E7 E6 SV40
(simian virus)
T T ("large T") DNA viruses rely on contributions from the cell, like deoxyribonucleotides or DNA polymerases, to replicate. While they cannot replicate in a cell in G1, they obviously gain a selective advantage if they find a way to push the cell into S phase. This can be done by inactivating pRb, but cells would then enter apoptosis via p14ARF and p53. Therefore, the virus only wins if it also succeeds in inactivating p53. The large number of cervical carcinomas
thus results from the fact that an infection with the human papillomavirus
leads to the simultaneous inactivation of the two most important tumor
suppressors, pRb AND p53.
A combination of a genetic and a gender-specific hromonal effect has an impact on Mdm2 and p53 levels Single nucleotide polymorphism 309 (SNP309, official designation rs2279744) is found at position 309 in the first intron of the MDM2 gene, which serves as a transcriptional enhancer region. The most common nucleotide at this position is a T, but a G is found at a frequency of 0.35. Patients suffering from cancer tend to have developped their malignancy earlier if they are homozygous for "G". What is the underlying mechanism? A G at that position creates a wobbly binding site for transcription factor Sp1, leading to an increase in expression of the Mdm2 protein. If a T is in that position, Sp1 cannot bind. As we have seen before, more Mdm2 means less p53. So, in people who are homozygous for G, the genome's guardian is not quite as strong. Yet, there is an additional quirk. Right next to that less-than-perfect Sp1 binding site is an estrogen receptor binding site. If estrogen receptor AND copious amounts of estrogen are present in the cell, the binding site is occupied by the receptor, which in turn keeps the wobbly Sp1 firmly in place by direct protein-protein interaction. The mechanism means that the p53-lowering effect of "G" versus "T" is much stronger in females. As an example, in 162 patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, the G-allele was associated with an earlier age in diagnosis (13 years) only in female patients, not in males.
Other tumor suppressors are covered
in the sections on colon carcinoma and breast cancer: Colorectal carcinoma: Mammary carcinoma: The state of a cell's DNA repair systems
is of paramount importance for carcinogenesis. Cells use several repair
systems to prevent ubiquitous DNA damage from being transformed into
fixed mutations. P53 or ATM may be classified under the heading "repair".
Many proteins required for DNA repair show properties of tumor suppressors. Is this a legal end? From a biological perspective, DNA
is an "endless" macromolecule; ends are the result of double
strand breaks. Fittingly, the genome of bacteria is circular. In eukaryotes,
where the genome is too big for that arrangement, genome segments can't
avoid having ends. To mark these ends as permissible ends, they have
a special structure based on hundreds of repeats of the short sequence
TTAGGG. The end of a chromosome forms a loop. After looping back, one
of the two strands, the "G-rich strand" which forms a large
overhang, displaces its anteceding self (producing a displacement loop)
by specific base pairing. This generates kind of a "lasso structure"
which is stabilized by specific proteins, in effect hiding the DNA end
from the cell. In its entirety, this structure is termed telomere. Telomere
structures mark "legal" ends; all other ends are interpreted
as double strand breaks that need to be repaired. Chromosomal ends cause problems in
replication. The strand synthesized in the direction towards the end
is no problem, as it can be synthesized continuously. The direction
from the end is synthesized discontinuously in the form of Okazaki fragments.
First, a small stretch of RNA is synthesized, as only RNA polymerase
can start from scratch. The RNA then functions as primer for DNA polymerase
which produces the Okazaki fragment. Following synthesis of the next
fragment, the RNA primer is removed and replaced by DNA. This works
for all RNA primers except for the last one, the one at the very end
of the chromosome. This can be removed, but it cannot be replaced, as
there is no "next" Okazaki fragment. The single-stranded remainder
is not stable and is eventually degraded. With each round of DNA replication,
the telomere is shortened by 50 to 100 base pairs. Over successive generations, this process
would lead to disaster. At some point in time, the lasso structure is
lost, and still later, important genetic information might go. To prevent
that, evolution developed telomerase, an enzyme complex that helps circumvent
the problem. Telomerase uses a loop of built-in RNA as a template to
elongate the chromosome's 3'end, attaching the sequence TTAGGG many
times over. By that, it creates a template of discretionary length for
additional Okazaki fragments, thereby overcoming the end replication
problem. In essence, telomerase has reverse transcriptase activity,
as it uses a RNA template to create DNA. Therefore, its main catalytic
unit is designated hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase). Telomerase is active only in germline
cells –the only cells handed down indefinitely--, in clonally expanding
B- and T-cells and weakly in some stem cells. In all other somatic cells,
telomerase is not expressed any more. This helps to limit their proliferative
potential and contributes to cell senescence. As soon as, following
a number of division-related shortenings, a cell's first telomer is
too short to permit the lasso structure, the cell gets aware of the
DNA end, interpreting it as a double strand break. Via activation of
p53 and p21, the cell enters a sustained cell cycle arrest, referred
to as senescence. This barrier limiting the proliferative potential
of somatic cells is an important mechanism to protect us from cancer. Cancer cells reactivate telomerase A cell losing p53 loses this protective
mechanism, too. Lacking their molecular replication countdown clock,
these cells keep dividing, spending all remaining telomere capital.
The process ends in chromosomal instability (CIN), with chromatid end-to-end
joining and breakage-fusion–bridge cycles. Most cells enter a crises,
where they lose essential genes and die. Over time, a few cells manage
to reactivate their hTERT gene. Telomerase now stabilizes the present,
more or less catastrophic state of these cells' genome by adding telomeres
to whatever DNA ends are around, camouflaging them as "legal"
ends. This stops the vicious breakage-fusion–bridge cycle and leaves
a viable cell with a grotesquely mutilated genome that forms the basis
of the next phase of tumor expansion. In 85 to 90% of human tumors,
telomerase is reactivated (the rest have acquired an alternative pathway
for telomere maintenance that we will not go into here). Reactivated
hTERT thus acts as an oncogene, contributing to the unlimited proliferative
potential of tumor cells. Pharmaceutical industry is working
hard to develop telomerase inhibitors (although I notice I have been saying this for twenty years now). As the vast majority of somatic
cells do not express telomerase, there is hope for a novel class of
anti-cancer therapeutics with limited toxicity.
The path of discovery resulted in two or more names for one protein Confusingly, many of the classical
proto-oncogenes/oncogenes have two or more names. Many of them were
first discovered in their oncogenic form in retroviruses causing tumors
in animals. Only later were they recognized to have physiological counterparts
in our body. Consider the two oncogenes of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV), erbA and erbB. ErbA later was recognized as an oncogenic form of the thyroid
hormone receptor, ErbB as that of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)
receptor. Some proteins, like Myc, have kept
their viral designation. In cases where it might be unclear which form
is meant, the physiological form is indicated by the prefix c- (for
cellular), the viral one with v- (e. g., c-Myc, v-Myc). Traditionally,
in literature dealing with molecular aspects of cancer, the gene is
written c-myc (lower case and italics), the protein, c-Myc. Today, this is
colliding with a newer convention, according to which human genes should
be capitalized throughout: c-MYC (instead of c-myc). So, c-ErbB sounds very different from
EGFR or HER-1 (human EGF receptor‑1), but in fact they are all
the same thing. The EGF signal transduction pathway harbors typical proto-oncogene jobs The EGF/PDGF signal transduction pathway
contains several classical proto-oncogenes. The pathway is activated
in many tumors and is a target for intervention, as we have several
drugs to block it. Epidermal growth factor is a misnomer: almost all
epithelial cells express EGF receptors. Many mesenchymal cells express
PDGF receptors. From the specific receptor onward, both pathways are
identical. EGF crosslinks two EGF receptor
proteins, which react by mutual phosphorylation by their intracellular
tyrosine kinase domains. The phospho-tyrosines bind to an adaptor, which then recruits a guanine
exchange factor (GEF) to the membrane. GEF interacts with the Ras protein, exchanging GDP for a GTP.
GTP-Ras activates several kinase cascades: one comprises Raf, MEK and ERK, the other MEKK, SEK and Jun-K (never mind the full
names). In each case, the last of these kinases transfer to the nucleus,
phosphorylating transcription factors Elk
and Jun. The transcription
factors in turn activate genes encoding early growth factor response
transcription factors: Fos
and Jun. Via this short-term positive feedback loop, activated Jun produces
more Jun (the heterodimer Fos/Jun is called AP‑1, activating protein‑1).
In combination, Elk, Fos and Jun activate a host of additional genes
required for implementation of the growth signal. All proteins printed in bold in the preceding paragraph have occasionally
been found to contribute to tumor formation in their oncogenic form.
If activated by mutations, these oncogenes create the illusion of lots
of EGF around the cell, and the cell proceeds to proliferate.
Growth factors may act oncogenic if
their expression is deregulated; usually, the signal protein itself
is not altered. In many cases, the malignant cell expresses both growth
factor and receptor: an autocrine feedback loop. The oncogene of a retrovirus causing
sarcomas in monkeys and apes, sis,
conforms to platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). PDGF is expressed
by many epithelial cells, with neighboring stroma cells expressing the
PDGF receptor. In humans, deregulated expression of PDGF contributes
to a small subgroup of Ewing sarcomas. Ewing sarcomas are made up of
small, round, undifferentiated cells, most commonly in the bone of teenagers.
Of the different translocation events involving the EWS gene, one results
in a chimaeric transcription factor that leads to deregulated expression
of PDGF. In Hodgkin's disease, overproduction
of growth factors by relatively low numbers of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg
cells causes secondary accumulation of normal lymphocytes, histiocytes
and granulocytes, over time inducing huge lymphomas. The histologic
type of the disease is determined by the individual cocktail of growth
factors produced (e. g., nodular sclerosing if the mix contains an unhealthy
dose of fibroblast stimulator TGFβ; mixed cellularity if it contains GM-CSF and IL-5, stimulating
macrophages and eosinophils, respectively). Hodgkin cells
originate from B cells that have passed through a phase of hypermutation in a
germinal center reaction. Their B cell receptor, however, has lost its affinity
for the target antigen. Consequently, the cell should have undergone apoptosis
during germinal center reaction, but something went wrong. These Hodgkin cells
do not do not grow out of control and do not behave very aggressively. But they
have an unpleasant feature: they produce copious amounts of growth factors, instigating
other blood cells to overgrow. More than 99% of lymphoma
cells in Hodgkin's disease are normal, non-malignant cells just doing
what they have been told to do. Many epithelial cell express one or more of the four types of human EGF receptor (HER1-HER4). These receptors may be activated by a range of growth factors from the EGF family, including EGF, TGFα, heregulin and several others. Airway epithelia express heregulin and all of the four receptor types. Normally, heregulin and its receptors remain segregated: receptors are sorted to the basolateral membrane, while heregulin is secreted via the apical membrane towards the lumen. As long as the epithelium is intact, tight junctions between the cells prevent heregulin from meeting its receptors. This changes as soon as a small tear or scratch produces a discontinuity: via this hole in the epithelium, heregulin diffuses to the basolateral side, stimulating cell proliferation until the epithelial sheet is resealed. This highly useful mechanism proves counterproductive, however, following development of bronchial carcinoma. As soon as cells detach from the epithelium, heregulin is able to contact its receptors, establishing an autocrine feedback loop stimulating proliferation. Pharmacology cross reference: Drugs like cetuximab
(Erbitux®), panitumumab (Vectibix®, both of them
monoclonal antibodies against HER1) or erlotinib (Tarceva®,
an inhibitor of the EGF receptor's tyrosine kinase) are used in non-small
cell bronchial carcinoma to counter this type of autostimulation, as
well as stimulation by EGF produced by stroma cells.
Kinases of proto-oncogene classes II and III As a group, kinases may be activated
by mutations with relative ease. The main reason for that is that many
kinase domains are active as long as they are on their own; additional
parts of the protein are required to moderate their activity. The signal
transducer c-Src is a good example to illustrate this principle. C-Src
is switched off by folding the protein up like a clasp-knife, deforming
the kinase domain. This happens via phosphorylation of a C-terminal
tyrosine by another kinase. The phospho-tyrosine is then able to bind
tightly to the SH2 (Src homology 2) domain at the N-terminus of c-Src,
folding up the protein. The kinase can be reactivated by a phosphatase
that removes the C-terminal phosphate. With that, it is easy to imagine
mutations activating c-Src: deleting the C-terminus is the easiest way,
but point mutations affecting either the tyrosine or the SH2 domain
would do the trick just as well. Generally speaking, kinases are frequently
activated by removal/inactivation of inhibiting protein parts. [Remember, gain-of-function mutations
are rare; loss-of-function mutations are the rule. So, why is activation
of kinase oncogenes quite common? Because the gain-of-function mutation
of a kinase is actually a loss-of-function mutation of an integrated
inhibitor!] Although less obvious, a similar situation
applies to the EGF receptor. Its extracellular domain normally prevents
continuous contact between two receptor molecules. Physiologically,
this inhibition is overcome by EGF, which forces the two receptors together.
Two types of mutations are known to have a similar effect: deletion
of the entire extracellular domain, or a point mutation at the cytoplasmic
end of the transmembrane helix (in HER2/Neu). In both cases, these mutations
create the "illusion" of the presence of lots of EGF or related
growth factors. Along the same lines, many kinases
may be activated to oncogenes. Here, let us just mention stem cell factor
receptor c-Kit, c-Raf and c-Abl. In humans, c-Abl is most frequently
mutated by the Philadelphia translocation, which we will scrutinize
a few paragraphs downstream. EGF receptor HER2 is known to contribute
to carcinogenesis by deregulated expression, without any change in the
structure of the protein. This happens in about a quarter of all cases
of breast cancer. If the membrane is packed with receptors, these are
able to phosphorylate each other even in the absence of ligand. By that,
the cell generates a continuing proliferation stimulus. In the past,
this type of breast cancer had a worse-than-average prognosis. In the
meantime, it is possible to interfere with this growth signal by use
of the monoclonal anti-HER2 antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin®),
which also directs immune mechanisms to these cells. Pharmacology cross reference: Monoclonal antibodies against HER2 like trastuzumab are effective against HER2-overexpressing breast cancer, but can no longer reach cancer cells that have migrated into the CNS because antibodies are unable to pass the blood-brain barrier. Again, small molecules such as the HER2 / HER1 inhibitor lapatinib are useful for fighting micrometastases in the CNS. Class III: Ras: activation of a G-protein The Ras protein is drifting along the
inner surface of the plasma membrane, anchored by a farnesyl and a palmitoyl
moiety. Ras always carries a guanosine nucleotide, GDP as default, GTP
if switched on. When a growth signal comes in, a guanine exchange factor
(GEF) forces GTP out and allows GTP in. With that, Ras is active for
a certain time period. This period is limited by an integral enzymatic
GTPase activity, formed by a sort of built-in "pliers" that
"pinch off" the last of the three phosphates of GTP. This
GTPase activity is fairly inefficient compared to typical enzyme activities.
It is accelerated with the help of a GTPase activating protein (GAP),
but the pliers themselves are an integral part of Ras. The two jaws
of the pliers are glycine 12 and glutamine 61. If one of these two amino
acids is substituted by something else, the GTPase is dead, and Ras
cannot be switched off any more. The classical mutation with this effect,
the replacement of Glycine 12 (codon: GGC) by either Valine (GTC) or
cysteine (TGC), is seen frequently in, e. g., lung cancer. In both cases,
a G is replaced by a T. This may be explained by benzo[a]pyrene adduct
formation with guanine, causing misincorporation of dATP at the opposite
strand during DNA replication (see section on mutations). In summary,
there is a direct causal chain from smoking to Ras activation. Via the same mechanism in smokers, the G also frequently mutates to T in codons 248 and 273 of the tumor suppressor p53. This causes the exchange of the encoded arginines. As we have seen, these two p53 arginines directly contact the DNA. Either replacement thus results in a loss of p53 function. Therfore, smoking is able to activate Ras and inactivate p53 via a single mechanism. No wonder smoking increases the risk of bronchial carcinoma by a factor of twenty. In patients with, e.g., non-small cell lung
cancer, one application of personalized medicine is to check whether Ras
is activated in the malignant cells. If it is, the entire EGF signal transduction
pathway is constitutively active. In this case, it is futile to try
expensive anti-EGF drugs like monoclonal antibodies or EGF receptor
kinase inhibitors that act upstream of Ras.
Class IV: Myc: ways to activate a transcription factor c-Myc is a transcription factor that
needs to be activated for a cell to enter S phase. Mutations can activate
Myc in two ways: In this context, amplification means
a process whereby the cell ends up with multiple copies of a gene instead
of the usual two (of our diploid genome). Causes and mechanisms of this
strange phenomenon are only partially understood. Two types of amplification
can be demonstrated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH):
1. Homogeneous staining regions: a
chromosome carries a region containing multiple copies of the same gene,
in our example, the MYC gene.
2. Double minute chromosomes: Apart
from normal chromosomes, a number of additional small chromosomes appear,
containing multiple copies of the gene in question. [Mdm2, mouse double minute‑2, obtained its name for this phenomenon.
It was identified in this form in a mouse tumor cell line. Amplification
of the E3 ubiquitin ligase of p53 is biologically equivalent with a
loss of p53. Therefore, mdm2
is a proto-oncogene that may be activated by amplification.] How do these strange rearrangements come about? It was observed that single lagging chromosomes in mitosis occasionally result in separate micronuclei at the time nuclear membranes reform. These micronuclei frequently possess a low number of nuclear pores and show inadequate import of components required for the next round of DNA replication. Replication is delayed compared with that in the proper nucleus. On entry of the cell into the next mitosis chromosome condensation then causes shattering (chromothripsis) of the micronucleus-chromosome which still has numerous open replication forks. Chromosome pieces are later stitched together by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair, resulting in absurdly rearranged single chromosomes and or small circular double minutes. In addition, fork stalling may lead to "inventive" repair attempts involving microhomology-dependent priming and serial template switching, which may explain the emergence of multiple copies of a gene on a reassembled chromosome. Each single one of the many MYC genes amplified in one of these two ways is structured normally.
Yet, there are so many of them, that if each one functions "normally",
vast amounts of c-Myc transcription factor are present at any point
in time, continuously driving cell proliferation. Translocations involving the MYC gene on chromosome 8 as well as one
of the three immunoglobulin loci (heavy chains on chromosome 14, light
chains on chromosomes 2 or 22) are typical for Burkitt's lymphoma, a
neoplasm of B lymphocytes. In B cells, translocations concerning these
loci are facilitated by the immunoglobulin rearrangement process, a
molecular random generator involving cutting and pasting of DNA. As
a result, the MYC gene is placed next to one of the immunoglobulin loci.
The normal myc gene is thus driven by the nearby immunoglobulin enhancer, a regulatory
DNA element that is meant to drive strong expression of antibody chains.
Result: normal c-Myc protein is produced in excessive amounts.
What is true for c-Myc is true for
many other transcription factors as well: oncogenic activation usually
implies overproduction of structurally normal protein. Class V: deregulated expression of cyclin D Some translocations habitually involve
typical loci. Some genes were even named accordingly, e. g., bcr (breakpoint cluster region). Genes identified
by analysis of B cell‑typical translocations were named Bcl (for B cell leukemia). Bcl‑1,
identified as the chromosome 11 partner gene in mantle cell lymphoma
t(11;14) translocations involving the heavy chain locus, was later recognized
to encode cyclin D. Due to the translocation, cyclin D is expressed
even in the absence of any growth signal, promoting rapid proliferation.
Bcl‑2 (B cell leukemia 2,
identified in t(14;18) translocations, has retained this name. It was
later found to encode an anti-apoptotic protein localized at the mitochondrial
surface. Although formally analogous to the two translocations mentioned
before, this translocation does not result in faster proliferation,
but prevents the cells from dying. Resulting follicular lymphoma is
highly differentiated and grows slowly, with a natural course of many
years. While this in itself is positive, the trouble is that follicular
lymphoma is extremely hard to treat. Our therapeutical options work
much better for cells that are rapidly proliferating.
t(9;22)- Philadelphia translocation This translocation involves tyrosine
kinase c-Abl on chromosome 9 and a gene with unknown function, BCR, on
chromosome 22 (not the immunoglobulin light chain locus; BCR stands for breakpoint
cluster region). It differs from the translocations mentioned above in one
important point: here, the breakpoint is located within the two genes. Two fusion genes result from this reciprocal
translocation, where the "front ends" are derived from one gene and
the back ends from the other. Functional consequences are known only for the
one that at the front looks like BCR, at the back like c-Abl, including its
kinase domain. This creates an Abl kinase whose normal regulatory
domain has been replaced by some nonsense from the BCR gene. Expression of the fusion gene results in a
fusion mRNA and a fusion protein. This protein normally does not exist in humans;
functionally, it works like a constitutively active Abl kinase, causing chronic
myelogenous leukemia (CML).
Pharmacology cross reference: A
Novartis-developed specific inhibitor of this protein, imatinib (Glivec®, Gleevec®), has
significantly improved the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and
other Ph+ leukemias.
Mutations with long-range effects The mutations described up to here have the advantage of being educational, as it is easily comprehensible how they promote the development of an anarchist cell clone. Unfortunately, the majority of mutations causing any individual tumor refuse to be educational. Many mutations out there in the vast expanse of the DNA alter unidentified binding elements of transcription-activating or repressing proteins, affecting genes far away that may be only spatially close by some loop in the DNA. We are able to detect the resulting overexpressed oncogene or underexpressed tumor suppressor, but we don't stand a chance of identifying the causative point mutation 27 genes further up. As another example, mutations affecting non-coding RNAs are able to alter expression patterns of far-away genes.
CRITERIA Three types of mutations contribute
to carcinogenesis in humans: 1. Point mutations, deletions, insertions 2. Amplifications 3. Translocations Contribution of viruses to carcinogenesis in humans Several viruses are known to promote
specific forms of malignant neoplasia: HPV cervical carcinoma This does not happen via a single uniform
mechanism. Among the tumor-promoting viruses relevant for humans, DNA
viruses predominate. DNA viruses have an incentive to drive cell proliferation,
as S phase equips them with all the materials required to replicate
their genome. To achieve that, viruses developed different tools. The
tools of human papilloma virus (HPV) have been
mentioned before, in the section on p53: proteins E7 an E6 inactivate
the two fundamental tumor suppressors, pRb and p53, respectively. "E"
stands for "early", as these proteins start being expressed
soon after infection of cells. Papilloma viruses infect squamous epithelium.
Many of them cause only benign warts; about a third of the total of
about 100 serotypes is sexually transmitted. Only few "high-risk"
serotypes, including 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, cause the majority of all
cervical carcinomas. The process starts with a chronic infection of
the squamous epithelium of the cervix, driving cell proliferation. While
the virus normally remains episomal, meaning outside the host DNA, it is found integrated into the
host genome in cervical carcinoma. This is an accident, not part of
the plan as with retroviruses or with hepatitis B virus. Integration
leads to the highest expression levels of E7, as the counteracting E2
gene is frequently inactivated in the process. Vaccination against the
most common high-risk virus types is able to prevent chronic infection
and, by extension, cervical cancer caused by these types, if girls are
immunized before they start sexual relations. The vaccine consists of
the L1-encoded ("late") capsid protein, which is produced
by recombinant DNA technology and which self-assembles to virus-like
particles. Pap smears or PCR checks for infection remain important, though, as the present vaccines
(Gardasil®, Cervarix®) do not cover all relevant virus types.
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a virus of the herpes
family (human herpesvirus 4, HHV‑4). The first infection usually
occurs in childhood or during the teenage years, as the virus is transmitted
via saliva ("kissing disease"). It may either go undetected,
or cause a mild disease with a sore throat, fever, fatigue and lymphadenopathy:
infectious mononucleosis or Pfeiffer's disease. The virus replicates
first in the epithelial cells of the pharynx and oral cavity and then
infects mucosa-associated B lymphocytes. The B cells are activated and
start to proliferate, producing lots of virions. As long as it takes
to mount an immune response, the virus spreads rapidly to infect a large
proportion of all B cells. A system of several viral proteins maintains
the B cells in this expansion phase; the cells do not enter terminal
differentiation and do not by themselves enter apoptosis, both aspects
of immortalization. Generally, viral infections are controlled via cytotoxic
T cells, which recognize viral peptides presented by MHC-I proteins
of infected cells. In EBV infection, too, T cells hunt down infected
B cells and kill most of them over a time span of weeks or months. Slowly,
swelling of the lymph nodes recedes. Alas, the T cells never succeed
in finding all infected B cells. In some B cells, the EBV enters a temporary
so-called latent cycle, where it shuts down replication, including expression
of most of its genes, effectively hiding from the immune system. A steady
state is reached where the virus not eliminated, but is held in check.
By their forties, more than 95% of people have been infected with EBV.
Several malignancies, like Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma or
nasopharyngeal carcinoma, typically are EBV positive. Together with
additional findings, this suggests a contributing role of the virus.
On the other hand, that contribution is probably small; otherwise, malignant
lymphoma would be much more common. In sub-Saharan Africa, Burkitt's
lymphoma is more common than elsewhere. Here, the explanation may be
a combination of EBV infection and malaria. Malaria by itself stimulates
additional B cell proliferation while inhibiting T cell responses. The
additive B cell stimulatory effects increase the chance for misrearrangement
resulting in one of the typical translocations where the c-myc gene is positioned next to an immunoglobulin locus. The mechanisms of the respective contributions
of hepatitis B and C viruses
(HBV and HCV) to hepatocellular
carcinogenesis are insufficiently understood. In the majority of cases,
carcinoma is preceded by many years of active hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Reactive oxygen species and other products of inflammation are likely
to cause DNA damage and secondary mutations. The effect of these mutations
is enhanced by the tumor promoter effect of ongoing regeneration. For
HBV, two additional mechanisms have been proposed. In spite of its DNA
genome, HBV is essentially a retrovirus that is able to integrate into
the host cell genome, potentially destroying tumor suppressors or activating
oncogenes. One of the four genes of the tiny HBV genome (3200 base pairs)
encodes protein X, named for its unknown function (the other three encode
HBs antigen, HBc antigen and polymerase). A range of mechanisms have
been proposed on how protein X might favor hepatocellular carcinogenesis,
but consensus has not been reached so far.
Kaposi's sarcoma, which was extremely
rare before the emergence of AIDS, as well as primary effusion lymphoma
of serous cavities, are caused by herpesvirus
type 8 (HHV‑8). With normal immune defense, the virus is non-pathogenic;
only after massive immune suppression, e. g. by HIV, HHV-8 contributes
to transformation of cells. HHV-8 seems to have incorporated several
host genes, including versions of Bcl‑2 and Cyclin D, as well
as typical E2F target genes, including thymidylate synthase, thymidine
kinase and dihydrofolate reductase. These tools would seem to make HHV-8
a powerful tumor virus, but the immune system is obviously very efficient
in eliminating infected cells. Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare neuroectodermal
skin tumor derived from the sensory Merkel cell nervous organ, frequently
seems to be caused by Merkel
cell polyoma virus (MCV).
Similar to SV‑40, it expresses a large T protein that can be expected
to inactivate pRb and p53. In tumor cells, a helicase-deficient copy
of the virus is found integrated in the host genome. Again, this frequent
virus is usually held in check by the immune system. Human T cell leukemia virus or human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV‑1)
is a retrovirus endemic in southwest Japan, the Carribean, parts of
South America and Central Africa, that may be transmitted sexually or
by breast feeding. It contributes to adult T cell leukemia by expanding
the population of T cells, thereby increasing the probability of additional
mutations. While the classical retroviruses do
not contribute to carcinogenesis in humans, they have been of extraordinary
importance in the identification of human proto/oncogenes. Following
infection of a cell, retroviruses produce a DNA copy of their RNA genome
with the help of reverse transcriptase. After synthesis of the second
strand by host DNA polymerase, the proviral DNA genome is inserted into
the host DNA. Transcription of this unit produces mRNAs for viral proteins,
as well as genomic RNA for new virions. Transcription is activated by
a viral promoter present at both ends of the provirus, the long terminal
repeat (LTR). Protein-encoding genes are grouped into gag
(group-specific antigen, nucleocapsid proteins), pol (polymerase/reverse transcriptase/integrase) and env (envelope) genes. Retroviruses facilitate carcinogenesis
via two principal mechanisms, insertional mutagenesis and integrated
oncogenes. Insertional mutagenesis denotes the genetic change resulting from a proviral integration event.
If the provirus inserts near a gene encoding a growth or transcription
factor, the viral LTR may cause massive overexpression of that protein.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) does not contain any oncogene. Yet,
if it inserts near a Wnt gene in mammary cells, this leads to overproduction
of this growth factor. The resulting autoendocrine growth-stimulating
feedback loop contributes to the development of mammary carcinoma in
mice. The second mechanism by which retroviruses
cause tumors is by integration
of an oncogene into the viral genome. This is a rare event. The
structure of most known oncoviruses may only be explained by several
independent recombination events, including reverse transcription of
a proto-oncogene mRNA. Once a replication-competent, oncogene-containing
virus emerges, that oncogene is overexpressed in all infected cells.
The term "oncogene" was coined for these "viral",
tumor-causing genes at a time when little was known about growth regulation
in vertebrate cells. Their connection to genes involved in growth regulation
of vertebrate cells was recognized only later, leading to the designation
"proto-oncogenes" ("proto" is Greek for "pre")
for these physiological counterparts. Usually, the oncogenes in tumor-causing
retroviruses are present in a mutated form, encoding proteins that are
constitutively active. 8. HYPOXIA
AND TUMOR ANGIOGENESIS Up to here, we looked at genetic alterations
leading to the "first" malignant cell. However, this cell
is by no means the endpoint of tumor evolution. Critical for further
tumor development is the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the proliferating
cells. Autonomous proliferation of tumor cells rapidly leads to a point
where diffusion distances grow too long to supply centrally located
cells. Resulting hypoxia sets in motion two processes of importance
to further tumor development. The first consequence of hypoxia is
induction of p53. If p53 is still functional in the cell clone in question,
it induces G1 arrest first, and, over time, apoptosis in hypoxic cells
in the tumor's center. Thus, in this area, strong selective pressure
against functional p53 is created: a cell with newly mutated p53 can
take advantage of this situation, continuing to proliferate in the face
of arrested or dying competitors. Hypoxia thus promotes the next step
in tumorigenesis, selecting a cell clone that is more malignant by the
loss of p53. The respective cells have lost the G1 DNA damage checkpoint
and show chromosomal instability, rapidly accumulating additional genetic
problems. This selection may account for the fact that p53 is the most
frequently mutated protein in human tumorigenesis.
The second mechanism is mediated by
hypoxia-induced factor (HIF‑1), which we encountered when considering
erythropoietin. While all of the erythropoietin worth mentioning is
induced in the kidney, HIF‑1 is active in all cells of our body.
In the presence of adequate oxygen, HIF‑1 is hydroxylated, ubiquitinated
and degraded. Hypoxia, in contrast, stabilizes HIF‑1, which proceeds
to activate its target genes with the overall goal of adapting the cell
to hypoxic stress. Induction of NO synthase leads to maximal dilatation
of existing nearby blood vessels. Induction of glucose transporters GLUT1 and
GLUT3 as well as hexokinase and lactate dehydrogenase enzymes helps
to generate ATP by anaerobic glycolysis. Last, not least, HIF‑1
activates the gene encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
Secreted VEGF diffuses along the extracellular matrix in all directions,
ultimately reaching endothelial cells of the nearest vessels. Endothelial
cells react by sprouting new capillaries in the direction of the VEGF
concentration gradient. What makes sense in healthy cells becomes a problem in malignant cells: On arrival, these new vessels improve the precarious
conditions in the central tumor area, where cells in the meantime may
have lost p53. With that, the tumor vessels fulfill a requirement for
the next step in the natural history of a malignant tumor: only if there
are vessels, the tumor is able to spread via the blood.
Pharmacology cross reference: The intention to block this step in tumor progression
led to the development of the humanized monoclonal anti-VEGF antibody
bevacizumab (Avastin®), which is used to treat, e. g., metastasizing
colorectal carcinoma and non-small cell lung cancer. Unwanted side effects
are bound to include problems with wound healing --critical in tumor
patients who may require surgery on short notice--, bleeding episodes
and teratogenicity. 9.
INFILTRATION AND METASTASIS Carcinogenic events considered so far
mainly result in deregulated proliferation. Yet, deregulated proliferation
is not equivalent with malignity or metastasis. Proliferation in itself
only results in benign local growth and tumor formation. As we will
see, the same formal types of mutations affect genes responsible for
attachment, migration and survival in remote areas of the body. Over
time, these changes shift the nature of a tumor, e. g., starting as
carcinoma in situ, via a locally
infiltrating and destructive stage to one of distant metastasis. Infiltration and metastasis are promoted by specific molecular alterations:
The list does not imply that each of
these aspects requires "dedicated" mutations. Emigration of
cells out of epithelial tissue is a physiological program, activated
in defined situations. During embryogenesis, neural and melanocyte progenitors
leave the epithelial neural tube and migrate to the periphery. In adults,
this process, termed epithelial-mesenchymal
transition (EMT), is activated to enable wound healing. A small
cut in a finger, e. g., is first closed by a clot consisting of fibrin
and platelets. Via EMT, cells detach from the edge of the epithelium,
migrate through the extracellular matrix below the clot just like mesenchymal
cells, and on arrival morph back to form a new epithelial layer. Morphing
back is called mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET). In other words:
under defined conditions, a complex physiological program enabling epithelial
tissue to start a local infiltration process may be switched on and
off. One program switch seems to be the protein twist, a transcription
factor that in experiments has been shown to be able to induce aspects
of EMT in epithelial cells. Local infiltration by a carcinoma may be
explained as a mistimed activation of this program.
The causes of this
activation remain to be elucidated, although we are starting to understand some examples. Breast
cancer aggressiveness and recurrence have been linked to obesity. Leptin, the
product of fat cells, seems to be a causal link: it enhances EMT in breast
cancer cells via a defined intracellular pathway.
IMMUNE RESPONSES AGAINST TUMORS Immune responses can be successful against malignancies This proposition can be shown by the
following experiment: Cells from the tumor of a mouse are transferred
to another individual of the same inbred mouse strain. If, previous
to this transfer, the second mouse is first immunized with irradiated
cells of the tumor, it is able to successfully eliminate a dose of tumor
cells that is lethal for mice without pretreatment. This protective effect is T cell dependent:
it does not exist in mice deficient in T cells, and it can be extended
to other mice by adoptive transfer of T cells. This protective effect is antigen-dependent,
either. It does not work against another tumor from the same mouse strain.
Conclusion: tumors express antigenic peptides which may be targeted
by tumor-specific T cells. Such peptides, termed tumor rejection antigens, are presented on MHC‑I proteins. Tumor rejection antigens have also
been defined for human tumors: specific peptides, presented on MHC‑I,
that are recognized by specific T cells isolated from a patient. Why
do these anti-tumor cells exist at all? Tumors are part of immunological
self, and T cells recognizing self should have been eliminated in the
thymus by negative selection! For each tumor rejection antigen, there
is an explanation for the fact that the respective T cell clones weren't
It is common to find immune responses
against tumor rejection antigens in manifest tumors, but only in exceptional
cases they succeed in fighting back the tumor (occasionally, spontaneous
remissions of malignant melanoma have been observed). However, regular tumor
elimination at a pre-diagnostic stage cannot be excluded; such an event
would never come to our attention. So, the big question is: how effective is the immune
system against naturally occurring malignant cells?
Immune surveillance against neoplastic cells
The term "immune surveillance"
was coined by Frank MacFarlane Burnet (1899-1985, clonal selection hypothesis)
in the early days (1967) of immunology, to express the expectation/hope,
that the immune system be able to recognize and eliminate malignant
cells. On the other hand, it is abundantly clear that malignant tumors
are the second-frequent cause of death; obviously the effectiveness of tumor
surveillance has its limits. In recent years, we have learned that frequently,
strong immune reactions exist, which, however, are "frozen" by
countermeasures of the tumor cells. Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies,
"immune checkpoint blockers", have been developed that unleash these
immune responses. Unfortunately, they often also unleash immune responses that
are rightfully frozen because they target healthy tissue.
Numerous observations suggest that the immune system is also effective against naturally occurring tumors in humans, at least against some types of malignancies. A few examples:
Let's take a look at mechanisms that may allow tumor cells to escape immune surveillance:
Malignant melanoma is a model where immune effects seem especially promising
Interventions to de-repress an existing anti-tumor immune response
A resounding success has been the attempt to prevent tumor cells from hitting the PD‑1 or CTLA-4 immune checkpoint buttons in situations where cytotoxic anti-tumor T cells had already been generated. The concept first proved successful in the melanoma model, for which response rates up to 60% were reported, but has since been extended to many other malignancies. That malignant melanoma is the prime example of an antitumor effect of the immune system is also due to the fact that it is the type of tumor with the highest mutation rate, which results in a large number of neoantigens. Neoantigens are mutated self-peptides that are not yet known to the immune system. The group of "hot tumors", characterized with a high mutation rate, also includes bronchial carcinoma. In contrast, breast and prostate cancers on average have lower mutation rates, so the immune system has fewer targets to attack. Pharmacology cross reference: Immune checkpoint blockers include the following antibodies that were first approved for melanoma and since then have been proven effective against many additional tumor types:
Autoimmune phenomena are the big drawback. Obviously, this strategy only works if there is already a T cell response. If that is not the case, it might be possible to induce one:Interventions with the goal of inducing anti-tumor immune responses For melanoma, a number of tumor rejection antigens have been defined:
Melanoma patients were immunized with these antigens according to various protocols. Two types of protocols demonstrated encouraging results in some studies: first, direct immunization with antigens or peptides from antigens, combined with different adjuvants and/or cytokines (GM-CSF, IL-2, IL-12); second, immunization with autologous dendritic cells, loaded in vitro with these antigens; in this case, costimulatory proteins like B7 help to activate naïve T cells. In planning immunity-boosting interventions
against cancer, an important concern is not to prompt an immune reaction
against the tissue from which the tumor originates. In the strategies
attempted to treat melanoma, this danger is exemplified by the occurrence
of vitiligo. Pharmacology cross reference:With Sipuleucel-T, a therapy along these lines
has been approved for prostate cancer in the US, while it was retracted in the
EU. Antigen-presenting cells are extracted from the patient and
loaded/stimulated with the help of a fusion protein consisting of GM-CSF and
prostatic acid phosphatase. Matured APC presenting phosphatase peptides on
their MHC proteins are re-infused into the patient to stimulate a
prostate-specific immune response.
CAR T-cell therapy: T cells taken from the patient are equipped
with a genetically engineered chimaeric antigenic antigen receptor (CAR)
against a tumor-expressed antigen and re-infused. An example would be CAR-T
cells against CD19, which is expressed only by B cells, to control
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Under development: oncolytic viruses. For several viruses it is established that they multiply more easily in certain tumor cells than in healthy cells. Only for some examples it has been clarified why that might be the case: either cellular antiviral systems such as the interferon response are impaired in tumor cells or certain factors which are necessary for virus replication are better available in tumor cells. An example is parvovirus H-1, which normally only infects rats. The virus is also able to infect human cells, but can efficiently multiply only in human tumor cells. In this case, two anti-tumor mechanisms are set in motion: First, the proliferation of the virus causes direct lysis of the tumor cell. Second, the virus, previously unknown to the body, induces a normal cytotoxic T cell response that targets the virus factories, which in turn are exclusively the tumor cells. However, antibodies against the virus are of course also induced, which are a hindrance in this case, since they finally intercept the lysis-released viruses and thus end the infection cycle. The virus is being tested in humans for the treatment of advanced glioblastoma.
The same mutational mechanisms that
generated the first malignant cell continue to modify the natural development
of the disease. In particular, they are the basis for the ability of
subclones to develop resistance to chemotherapy. Alkylating agents are a frequently used drug class in chemotherapy. A typical example is
cyclophosphamide (e. g., Endoxan®). Their essential ability
is to bind to macromolecules by forming covalent bonds with atoms providing
free electron pairs. Like aflatoxin, they bind, e. g., to O6 or N7 of
guanine. One out of a range of cellular resistance mechanisms involves
glutathione, abbreviated "GSH", a small molecule consisting
of three amino acids with the crucial feature of a cysteine-SH group
that fits the bill of free electron pairs. Every alkylating molecule
inactivated is one less to damage DNA. A family of enzymes, glutathione
S-transferase, catalyses inactivation of alkylating agents by GSH-coupling.
Tumor cells that succeed in overexpressing glutathione S-transferase
become resistant to alkylating agents. (We will consider another mechanism,
inactivation of the MMR system, in the section on colorectal carcinoma.) Methotrexate,
from the drug class of "antimetabolites", causes its anti-tumor
effect by inhibition of nucleotide synthesis. In purine synthesis, as
well as in synthesis of thymine from uracil, transfer of single carbon
groups is dependent on tetrahydrofolic acid, which is transformed to
dihydrofolic acid in the process. The enzyme dihydrofolate reductase
(DHFR, already mentioned as an E2F target gene) regenerates the tetrahydrofolate
pool. Methotrexate resembles folic acid, binding and blocking DHFR.
If a tumor cell succeeds in increasing the number of intracellular DHFR
molecules to an extent that part of them is not blocked any more by
therapeutic methotrexate concentrations, it grows resistant to methotrexate.
This frequently happens by amplification of the DHFR gene. Vinca alkaloids like vincristine (e. g., Oncovin®) are plant products from
Catharanthus roseus (formerly Vinca rosea). Vincristine binds to tubulin
monomers, thereby preventing microtubulus polymerization and blocking
spindle formation. One way to develop resistance is a point mutation
that slightly modifies the monomer, interfering with vincristine binding
but not with polymerization. Another escape has very negative effects
on the chances of successful treatment: amplification of the MDR1 (multidrug
resistance) gene. We already encountered this gene in the context of
stem cells, which express it stronger than other cells. MDR1 encodes
a transmembrane protein, P-glycoprotein, with the ability to pump "alkaloid-like"
molecules out of the cell. A tumor cell overexpressing this pump grows
resistant not only to vinca-alkaloids, but also to other drug classes,
including anthracyclines
(e. g., Doxorubicin, Adriamycin®). Anthracyclines, produced
by Streptomyces bacteria, block DNA replication by intercalating between
bases of DNA and inhibiting topoisomerase II. Glucocorticoids are an important component of chemotherapy against lymphatic leukemias
and lymphomas, as they are frequently able to induce apoptosis in these
cells. Cells may become resistant by loss of function-mutations or by
downregulation of the receptor. These examples illustrate the following
The tumor evolution
process of mutation and selection continues under chemotherapy, contributing
to the development of resistance.
Polychemotherapy is
an absolute necessity. As cells are able to "invent" antidotes
to any chemotherapy agent, the combination of several agents lowers
the chances that a single cell succeeds in making all the necessary
inventions in time to survive. Only a cell that succeeds in 1) amplifying
glutathione-S-transferase, 2) amplifying MDR and 3) inactivating the
glucocorticoid receptor within a short time frame is able to survive
a protocol combining cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and
prednisolone (the classic CHOP protocol used to treat lymphoma). The
odds of that are much lower than those of developing resistance against
a monotherapeutic agent.
At the same time, this
implies that a recurring tumor is genetically diverse from its predecessor
at the time of diagnosis. Chances for successful treatment are low,
as in the meantime, the relapsing tumor has developed resistance against
the majority of well-established drug classes. 12.
coli. Members of families with this hereditary syndrome (synonym: familial
adenomatous polyposis, FAP) develop hundreds of colonic polyps, some
of which invariably lead to malignancy. The genotype/phenotype pattern
is similar to those of hereditary retinoblastoma or Li-Fraumeni-syndrome:
affected patients inherit a defective APC allele; in cancer cells, the
second allele is inactivated, too. Once more, the importance of APC
is not limited to the eponymous rare disease; in about 60% of all colorectal
carcinomas, APC function has been lost by somatic mutation. [Disambiguation: the abbreviation APC
is also used for anaphase-promoting complex –the ubiquitin ligase complex
inhibited by the spindle checkpoint-- and for antigen-presenting cells] The loss of APC is thought to promote
cancer via several independent pathways, due to independent biological
functions of the protein. In its first function, APC acts like
a brake on the Wnt signal transduction pathway, which is important to
maintain the population of intestinal epithelial cells. Specifically,
this is achieved by antagonizing β‑catenin. β‑Catenin
helps to "chain" adhesion protein E-cadherin to the cytoskeleton.
Surplus β‑catenin not required for this mechanical function
is earmarked for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation by phosphorylation.
Phosphorylation, which happens only in the absence of extracellular
growth factor Wnt, is dependent on a kinase complexed with APC, glycogen
synthase kinase 3β. In the presence of Wnt, the protein complex
containing APC and the kinase is inhibited; unphosphorylated β‑catenin
escapes degradation and accumulates, entering the nucleus. At the promoters
of target genes, it removes a repressor from transcription factor TCF4/LEF
(T cell factor‑4/ lymphoid enhancer factor), activating transcription
of genes required for proliferation, including Cyclin D and c-MYC and in some cases, telomerase.
The physiological importance of this signaling pathway is illustrated
by TCF4 knockout mice, which die soon after birth due to a lack of intestinal
epithelial cells.
Wnt is produced by Paneth cells
at the base of intestinal crypts. It drives prolifation of epithelial
cells in the crypt. The farther the epithelial cells move out, the less
Wnt they see, until they stop proliferating. In summary: in the presence
of Wnt, intestinal cells proliferate. This is mediated by a transcription-activating
function of stabilized β‑catenin.
In the absence of Wnt, cells stop proliferating.
This requires breakdown of surplus β‑catenin with the help
of APC. If both APC alleles in a cell are inactivated
by mutations, the cell loses its ability to inactivate β‑catenin,
even in the absence of Wnt. Accumulation of β‑catenin causes
persistent expression of cyclin D, c-Myc and telomerase. In other words: the loss
of APC simulates persistent Wnt signaling.
Simulation of Wnt signaling should
also be possible with active APC if β‑catenin is stabilized
by other means. In fact, 10% of colorectal carcinomas have been found
to overexpress β‑catenin. In these cases, β‑catenin
has oncogene function. The APC/β‑catenin example
illustrates how activation of a cell-specific growth signaling pathway
is essential to promote cancer. This is possible either by loss of braking
elements (inactivation of tumor suppressors) or by activation of stimulating
elements (activation of proto/oncogenes). A second function of APC has been described
in mitosis. In cooperation with a host of other proteins, it helps to
attach chromosomes to the mitotic spindle. In addition, it also contributes
to anchoring the spindle to the cell membrane at a defined position.
Loss of APC reduces the precision with which chromatids are distributed
to daughter cells. Therefore, loss of APC, like loss of p53, results
in chromosomal instability (CIN) with further deterioration of genome
quality. In addition, there is evidence that
the attachment of the mitotic spindle is of special significance in
stem cells. The asymmetric characteristics of stem cell division may
be dependent on the correct positioning of its axis. In the absence
of APC, the axis may drift, occasionally resulting in symmetric division
producing identical daughter cells. Over time, this mechanism may increase
the number of stem cells in a crypt, subjecting a larger number of cells
with unlimited proliferation potential to the process of accumulating
mutations. This latter function may be the reason why loss of APC is
frequently the first step in colorectal carcinogenesis. A second familial syndrome predisposing
affected members to colorectal carcinoma is hereditary non-polyposis
colorectal cancer (HNPCC). As its name implies, it does not include
the formation of multiple adenomatous polyps. The clinical criteria
for HNPCC: colorectal carcinoma in three members of a family, with at
least two generations affected and at least one of the tumors diagnosed
before age 50. Other tissues, especially endometrium, are affected by
the tendency to develop malignancies, too. In some families, endometrial
cancer predominates. About 5% of all instances of colorectal carcinoma
can be attributed to HNPCC. Frequently, these develop in the ascendent
colon, while colorectal carcinoma is typically located in sigmoid or
rectum. In contrast to FAP, where 100% of patients over time develop
carcinoma, in HNPCC this number is around 80%. Once the predisposition
syndrome is diagnosed, it is thus essential to closely monitor colon
and uterus. In the search
for "the" HNPCC gene, puzzling observations were made: in some of the
affected families cancer predisposition segregated with chromosome 2, in others
with chromosome 3, in rare cases even with chromosome 7. Then it was noticed
that tumors in these families showed pronounced microsatellite instability
(MIN). This phenomenon was already known from bacteria and yeasts: in these
organisms, it was not due to the defect of a single defined gene but to a
defect in the complex mismatch repair system (see section 2). The same is true in humans, HNPCC is a
defect in mismatch repair: The most frequently affected genes are MLH1
(chromosome 3) and MSH2 (chromosome 2), but also the other components can be
affected. Like with APC, MMR defects are not
only found in the hereditary form, but also in a considerable percentage of
sporadic cases of colorectal, endometrial and gastric carcinoma. "Microsatellites" are repeats
of single or a few bases, like TTTTTTTT or ATATATATATATATATAT, which
are obviously hard to copy faithfully. With defects in the mismatch
repair system, the number of repeats within a microsatellite tends to
drift over cell generations. This phenomenon is termed microsatellite
instability (MIN). The phenomenon is of diagnostic importance, as it
is easier to determine satellite instability than to check all components
of the complex repair system for mutations. We already considered one resistance
mechanism against alkylating agents: overexpression of glutathione S-transferase.
Defects in the MMR system may induce resistance, too. Alkylating agents
cause methylation or choroethylation of guanine on oxygen atom 6 (O6).
As mentioned before (in section 2, "Mutations"), this causes
a G•T-mismatch during the next replication. A dedicated protein exists
to remove the O6 methyl group under physiologic conditions: O6-methyl
guanine methyl transferase (MGMT). However, this protein works only
once, as it is subject to "suicide inactivation" by accepting
the alkyl group. Under therapy, the MGMT pool is instantly overwhelmed,
leaving the majority of O6-alkylations in place. Following DNA replication,
these are identified by their mismatch with T by the MMR system. The
MMR system attempts to start repairs, but in the continuous presence
of alkylating agents, repair is inefficient, and for reasons that are
not completely understood (continuous checkpoint signaling resulting
in apoptosis?), cells are worse off by trying. Somehow, the involvement
of the MMR system kills the cell- the main way how alkylating agents
work. In other words, for alkylating agents to work, MMR has to work.
Tumor cells may grow resistant by inactivating their MMR system, blissfully
ignoring G•T-mismatches. What results is a hypermutable MMR deficient
cell clone that is resistant to alkylating agents. 13. SOME MOLECULAR
FEATURES OF BREAST CANCER: BRCA GENES Defects in tumor suppressors BRCA‑1
and BRCA‑2 contribute strongly to the development of mammary and
ovarian carcinoma. They are essential components of several DNA repair
systems, including one to repair double strand breaks. Human cells have
two systems to restore continuity following a double strand break: non-homologous
end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR). The essential
difference between the two systems: perfect repair can only be achieved
by HR, but HR is only possible when the DNA has already been replicated.
In all other situations, NHEJ must be employed, which leads to incomplete
repair. The NHEJ repair process is started
by the appearance of free DNA ends. As a prerequisite for reattachment,
it is usually necessary to pare back the ends, as these are frequently
damaged. For example, nucleotides may have been chemically modified
by the energy of ionizing radiation. Inevitably, this entails the loss
of a few nucleotides; NHEJ is therefore the main cause of small deletions.
As the overwhelming majority of the human genome is non-coding, this
is still a good solution, much better, in fact, than losing all the
genes on the non-attached peripheral fragment. The signaling pathway of the G1 DNA
damage checkpoint, with chromatin alterations (Ku, γ‑H2AX)
and activation of several kinases (DNA-PK, ATM, CHK2), has been described
before (see section on p53). The kinases phosphorylate and activate
repair proteins, like XRCC4 and NBS1 (XRCC stands for X-ray
Repair Complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells;
NBS for Nijmegen breakage syndrome). Damaged DNA
ends are pared back by a complex with exo- and endonuclease activity,
consisting of proteins MRE11-RAD50-NBS1. (In many cases, designations
for components of repair systems have been derived from experiments
in yeast. Strains with noticeable features, e. g. following treatment
with radiation, were isolated to identify the involved genes, leading
to names like radiation-sensitive—RAD or Meiotic REcombination deficient—MRE.) The last step in NHEJ is catalyzed
by a DNA ligase which binds to Ku-proteins via the adapter XRCC4 and
restores the continuity of the double strand. Via this sequence of steps,
NHEJ repairs the vast majority of all double strand breaks, leaving
only a small deletion as a mark. Yet, in some situations NHEJ is not
able to do the trick. The strongest evidence in that regard comes from
experiments with a protein central to HR, RAD51. Cells with intact NHEJ,
but lacking RAD51, are not viable: when trying to replicate their DNA,
they commit so many errors that they eventually die. These and related
experiments indicate that HR is a necessary retouching mechanism for
DNA replication. In DNA replication, double strand breaks frequently
occur at the lagging strand immediately behind the moving replication
fork, e. g., if the discontinuous Okazaki fragments coincide with a
single strand break on the opposite strand. This situation is favorable
for HR, as an identical strand –the nascent sister chromatid— is right
at hand. In essence, homologous recombination
uses the sister strand as a template to repair the break. A 3'-overhanging
single strand invades the sister double strand, displacing and putting
itself at the position of its copy with the help of proteins including
RAD51. Using the nascent sister chromatid's strand as a template, the
broken strand can now be elongated beyond its original break point.
This happens from both directions, bridging the gap at both strands,
followed by strand resolution. The process results in perfect repair
without deletions. Step by step, the process works as
follows. After a double strand break in the wake of a replication fork,
HR recombination is initiated by 5' to 3' resection of the 5' ends by
the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex' exonuclease activity. This generates a
3' overhang at the opposite strand, liberating it to start strand invasion.
Strand invasion requires RAD51, RAD52, the tumor suppressors BRCA1 and
BRCA2 (breast cancer), as well as several additional proteins. The 3' end
of the invading strand is then elongated by a DNA polymerase, progressively
displacing the autochthonous strand. The same is done from the opposite
direction. Remaining nicks are ligated. Eventually, the two interwoven
strands are separated by cleavage and religation ("Holliday junction
resolution"). The replication fork can resume working. Loss of BRCA1 or BRCA2 function reduces
HR efficiency dramatically. In this case, replication problems are likely
to be patched up by other means (e.g., NHEJ or error-prone repair) at the cost
of a steep increase in mutations or chromosomal aberrations. Obviously,
this is not compatible with development of an organism: knockout of
BRCA1 or BRCA2 in mice is embryonally lethal.
Pharmacology cross reference: One strategy to treat carcinomas based on a loss of BRCA is to additionally block single strand break repair. In normal cells, unrepaired nicks lead to double strand breaks during the next DNA replication, which are then repaired via homologous recombination. If neither single strand repair nor homologous recombination is left to repair damage, the DNA problems accumulate to a degree that the cells cannot survive. PARP inhibitors like Olaparib inhibit the enzyme PARP (Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase), which is involved in reporting DNA single strand breaks to repair systems. They are used in relapsed ovarian cancer with loss of BRCA1 or BRCA2 function if other forms of chemotherapy remain unsuccessful. Defective DNA double strand break repair is of major importance in carcinogenesis: many malignant tumors, especially colorectal, breast, prostate cancer and carcinoma of the pancreas regularly show chromosomal instability (CIN), with loss of heterozygosity affecting numerous alleles. While frequent, defective DNA repair is not the only cause: mutations affecting genes with roles in cell cycle checkpoints or chromosome handling and transport lead to the same phenotype. Tumor suppressors BRCA1 and BRCA2 BRCA1 and BRCA2's role is not limited
to homologous recombination; they are also part of additional repair
systems. Yet, well before their involvement in repair was recognized,
the two proteins had been isolated by their association with breast
cancer. The age distribution of breast cancer
incidence does not follow a simple exponential function; there are "too
many" early cases. Genetic factors have been estimated to contribute
to 5% of all breast cancers, yet to 25% of those diagnosed before age
30. Cosegregation analyses in families with increased incidence of breast
cancer identified two genetic loci, termed BRCA1 and BRCA2. Subsequently,
candidate genes were identified, enabling diagnostic procedures at a
time when the two genes' functions were entirely unclear. Analogous
to hereditary retinoblastoma or Li-Fraumeni syndrome, affected women
had one loss-of-function allele in every cell; in the tumor cells, the
second, normal allele had usually been lost (loss of heterozygosity).
That explained the increased risk of these patients to develop another
carcinoma in the second breast. BRCA1 and BRCA2 thus behave like typical
tumor suppressors. The presence of a defective allele may be diagnosed
and confronts the carriers with the difficult decision whether to undergo
prophylactic mastectomy or to trust other prophylactic measures like
e tamoxifen, early ovariectomy and frequent specific check-ups. Inherited mutations in BRCA1 strongly
increase not only the probability of developing breast cancer (lifetime
probability 80%), but also ovarian cancer (40%). Males, in contrast,
have a slight increase in their (small) risk of breast cancer, as well
as a moderate increase in the risk of prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer
and melanoma. As a heterozygous male's increase in the overall risk
to develop cancer is much smaller than that of a heterozygous female,
mechanisms to account for this gender specificity are being investigated.
There is evidence for a role of BRCA1 in X-inactivation— the inactivation
of one of the two X-chromosomes in female cells. Loss of BRCA1 would
thus, in addition to impairing DNA repair, redouble expression of all
X-encoded genes, but only in females, not in males! Which of the affected
genes might contribute to mammary and ovarian carcinoma is not clear.
Another model is based on the fact that BRCA1 also functions as a E3
ubiquitin ligase, with estrogen receptor α as one of its substrates.
Lack of ERα inactivation might explain why females are disproportionately
affected, and why this effect is most pronounced in tissues depending
on estrogen for proliferation. In humans, heterozygous as well as
homozygous genetic BRCA2 defects occur; in both cases, tumor risk is
increased. As with BRCA1, heterozygous BRCA2 defects confer high risk
of breast cancer (lifetime probability 80%) and ovarian cancer (20%).
Homozygous defects, in contrast, are one of the causes of Fanconi anemia. Fanconi anemia is a rare autosomal
recessive syndrome caused by the loss of one out of at least 12 genes.
Symptoms usually start in childhood and include a variable spectrum
of malformations, progressive pancytopenia (aplastic anemia) and a high
risk of developing acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) or head and neck
tumors. Cells of Fanconi anemia patients show genetic instability. The
products of the twelve genes are likely to cooperate in a common pathway
that helps cells to cope with some form of DNA damage. BRCA2 was found
to be one of the causative genes. This seems to contradict experimental
data from the mouse, where BRCA2 knockout mice die in utero. Yet, BRCA2
alleles of patients with Fanconi anemia still allow expression of part
of the protein. Thus, expression of this protein part may allow survival. ***
FURTHER READING: In German only: Please see my chapter "Maligne Neoplasien"
in the textbook: Weinberg R. A.: Alberts B. et al. (eds.): Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th Edition, Garland Publishing, New York 2014 Kumar V. et al. (eds.): Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition, Saunders, Philadelphia, 2015 |